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I sat up running a hand through my hair and sighing. Yesterday was a long day, I actually I'm still exhausted. I never went to sleep. I got up looking in the mirror in my bathroom fixing my hair, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. After that I walked out and got dressed for the day. Today me and Elena were going to meet up and talk about Esther and Klaus apparently she had some things to tell me. A lot happened for her yesterday too, I'm not surprised it was the first time we saw the Mikealsons since we left them in the other timeline. We should've known it was going to be this wild emotional rollercoaster. Our whole lives have been this emotional rollercoaster of small ups and huge downs. That wasn't going to be any different. I was flipping through my grimoire adding the spells I'd learned over the years with Kol to my book. I was a different witch than the one who left so long ago. I was stronger, I could feel it my magic was completely in my control.

I jumped at the sound of the door and stood up cautiously answering it. It wasn't the fairy tale I caught myself and Elena in anymore. It was dangerous and I didn't have a bodyguard, I didn't realize how used to him I'd become, until he was gone. How used to having someone to defend me, until I could basically protect myself from everything, I'd become. I opened the door to see Kol smirking at me on the other side, this Kol was still the man I remembered but not, all at the same time. It was actually interesting to get to talk to him yesterday. Ask about the years he had after becoming a vampire. Compare the versions. I gave him a curious look raising my eyebrow slightly "So tell me. In this time is it considered rude to leave someone without saying goodbye? Or to show up to a party without a gift" I nodded "Yes to both" he smiled wide and took my hand "Good because Ms. Bennett I believe that means you owe me something and when we're done I best get a goodbye" I bit my lip trying to hide my smile from him. I was letting him win so easily but I couldn't deny how I missed him.

"And what exactly do you think I'm going to do for you" he looked back at me holding his hand out which I carefully took letting him pull me towards his car. He opened the door and I gave him a skeptical look "Don't worry darling. I would never expect anything or do anything untoward. I'm only asking for a friendly gesture is all. You know some... courtesy, people still use that word right" I rolled my eyes playfully at him and slid in the car as he sped to the other side and did the same. We made small talk the drive taking longer than it should've if we were still in town. I was certain at this point that we'd left Mystic Falls "Are you kidnapping me" I asked raising an eyebrow at him making him smile "Would that be a problem" I bit the inside of my cheek and looked out the window "Depends... is there some sort of diabolical plan in connection to me being out here and not closer to home" he was quiet for a second and sighed "Sadly yes" I frowned and I looked out the window at the signs passing by feeling a little distressed about being out here now. What was he planning?

"Would you like to know what it is" he said looking over at me and smirking "How can I trust you're telling the truth" I eyed him carefully as he chuckled again and made a turn into one of the exits "I have a feeling you'd know if I was lying to you love" he was right, I could feel myself relax again, it's just Kol. He was still the man I knew from before and the man I knew was a terrible liar, at least to me. I've seen him murder, I've seen him scheme, I know what that looks like. If he tried anything I'd know and I'd be ready "Ok then, tell me" he smiled and looked back at the road "My brother is kidnapping your doppelganger friend and I was told to distract you since I took such a liking to your company last night" I paused a wall of emotions running through me. Initially I was distressed at the thought of Klaus taking her but as I thought about it I realized that Elena was probably fine. In fact she probably she wanted to be with him, but nonetheless she was blind to the truth of what this Klaus was, a monster. She'll get herself killed trying to prove otherwise.

"Take me back" I said sternly making him give me a look "But you promised me a day out love wouldn't want to go back on your word" I gave him a look right back crossing my arms "That was before I found out that the only reason you wanted me out here was to help your psycho brother kill my best friend" he started laughing and shook his head the car slowing to a stop "We're here already it'd be a waste not to go in and besides despite my brother's earlier intentions and actions. I don't believe much that he wants to kill her. Least not anymore" I frowned trying to figure out what had changed in such a short time unsure if I could trust it. Kol didn't seem like he was lying, by the way he seemed slightly confused in the change in Klaus' intentions made me believe he was telling the truth. I could see it as he thought back to whatever interactions he's had with Klaus today. However it's Klaus I don't trust, he'll lie and kill who and what ever. That's his thing. If it doesn't involve lying and killing people it's not for Klaus. I stared at the ground and weighed my options, I can't fight him off anything I do will hurt Kol, Kol will get in the way there's no getting around that and I don't wanna do that. My only other option is to let Elena handle her man, my only hope is that letting her do that doesn't get her killed.

Weeping Willow TearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora