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I ran harder than my lungs could carry me. Jeremy killed him and Bonnie with the body. I knew she needed me I could feel it. It was like a wave of emotion, Kol was something of a brother to me I felt this too. When I got there Damon was over Klaus a stake in his hand and Klaus was fighting back, I ran with all of me and pushed hard at Damon allowing Klaus throw him across the room. As soon as Klaus made eye contact with me he sneered and lunged to jump at me. Care flashed in his way and Stefan flashed over to stop Damon. I didn't come here without back up I knew this would be messy. He looked at Caroline his whole body shaking with rage "You and your band of fools are each one of you dead and I will kill all of you with my bare hands for this" he screamed in our faces before grabbing Caroline and throwing her to the side "And you... A very clever act you put on trying to get me to let my guard down whilst your little boyfriends tried TO KILL ME! For you I will save the worst of deaths. I will make you watch as I take everything from you and only after you've seen the last of meaning fall away from your life I will grant you death yourself" I stepped back from the pure amount of emotion coming off of him, he had never scared me more than he did in that moment but not in the ways he wanted.

I breathed in and in spite of everyone watching me I spoke "The only way to really do that is if something were to happen to you. I had nothing to do with this. I had no idea they found white oak. I told you I was done trying to kill you. You have to believe me I'm telling the truth" he watched me saying nothing I grabbed his hand and he shook me off "Please Klaus. You don't understand" the raw emotion in my voice confused him and I saw him falter but he didn't do anything. Say anything he just disappeared and left me to face the room of people. The Salvatores watched me with confusion and disgust and Care with understanding eyes. I blinked away my tears and threw a harsh glare at Damon I had almost said something a cry had distracted me from my thoughts. I looked back at Bonnie who'd had her hand on Kol's chest and was wailing over his charred form. Instantly I had forgotten everything else and I rushed over to envelope her in my arms. How I'd overlooked her when I first came in I didn't know but I felt her now. 

She sobbed uncontrollably in my arms and now that I could see him I couldn't help but cry with her. To sit here with him, hurt more than I was truly prepared for "Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?! We hate originals but you two are crying over one" Caroline rolled her eyes and flashed in Damon's face "She loved him you asshole! She loved him and you killed him" he made a face of disgust and looked back at him "I'm the asshole? Did you never meet Kol he's worse than I am! They all are and they must've compelled you and put a spell on Bonnie because there's no way you idiots could possibly think they're people worth tears" at this Bonnie stopped crying she stood up and faced him I had never seen her face look so enraged in my life. Damon's body twisted painfully in several directions as she walked over until she stood over him "You never knew him. I dare you to say one more thing about him" her hands turned white blood running down the sides as she clenched her fists hard.

"Bonnie! Don't do this! This isn't you!" she snapped her head toward Stefan who made desperate pleas for his brother "Stay out of this Stefan don't make me have to hurt you" he sighed and inched toward the two, I would've spoken but Damon ruined everything and even though I didn't want him to die he deserved what he was getting. Stefan put a hand on her shoulder and she clenched her jaw "He doesn't deserve anything from you. But I'm not asking for him, I'm asking for you, I know you're pain the last thing you wanna deal with is my brother let me take him out of here" she watched him for a moment and he truly seemed sincere I could tell she was calming down because Damon's body stopped twisting unnaturally and his screams turned into whimpers of pain. Stefan flashed to him helped him up and nodded at Bonnie then at me before taking him and leaving. 

When they were gone Caroline walked over to Bonnie and unclenched her fists looking them over "I've never seen you like that" she whispered rubbing her hand "I've never been so mad, when Damon and Jeremy talked as if they knew him... knew his heart. Knew anything it just I never felt that way before. It was dark, scary, if Klaus hadn't come and I hadn't asked Jeremy to leave I'd have killed them both. He's dead Lena." her eyes watered the more she talked the more and more she realized that the man she loved more deeply than anything was gone. She looked over at him and I could tell the more she was looking at him the more upset it was making her. I stood up and looked at Caroline who nodded "Why don't we go to my house Bon" she shook her head "I can't- I can't leave him like this" she said through her tears "You won't Bon I'll stay make sure he's dealt with right. He was like a brother to me" she sighed and nodded reluctantly as Caroline ushered her out and to her car.

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