29: Lion Guard-KionXFuli

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Day: 29
Prompt: Puzzle pieces
Pairing: Kion and Fuli
Fandom: The Lion Guard

Dogo sped towards Pride Rock, where the Lion Guard had gathered for Christmas.

"Hey guys!" He yelled as he neared the enter ace to the cave. Upon seeing him, Kion crouched down and growled.

"Woah woah it's only me! Remember? We made a truce!" Dogo waved his paws. Kion relaxed a bit.

"Ah, sorry Dogo. Still not used to outlanders being here. So... why are you here?" He asked.

"I have a fun game we could play! I heard it from my jackal friend Jackie. It's called Among Us! I'll exlpain everything if you guys are up for it." Dogo announced.

"Among Us?" Ono wondered outloud.

"Yeah! There's one or two imposters who are selected, and they have to blend in and kill the rest of the crew mates!" Dogo wagged his tail.

"Kill?! Uh no thank you!" Fuli crouched down and tried to pounce on Dogo.

"Not for real! It's just a game! The animal who dies will only pretend!" Dogo yelled as he ran from Fuli.

"Sounds fun!" Bunga said. Fuli stopped her pursuit of Dogo.

"No funny business." She commanded, flicking her tail and going back to stand near Kion.

"So how do we play?" Beshte asked. Dogo launched into a detailed explanation.

"We can use the snow as vents, and Sim- Uh, Kion's dad can choose the imposters!" Dogo said. Ono nodded.

"I would like to play too!" A different voice sounded from a nearby rock. Jasiri, who had apparently been there the whole time, hopped down and strolled over.

"If that's ok with you." She questioned.

"Of course!" Kion replied. Fuli eyed Jasiri.

"Then let the games begin!" Bunga declared. Kion got Simba to come out and select two imposters. He had everyone close their eyes and he would tap the imposters on the shoulder.

"All set!" Simba said, walking back to his cave.

Kion didn't feel a tap so... that must mean he's a crewmate. He noticed wire-like leaves that needed to be connected. This was his first task. Everyone split off in different directions, except Jasiri, who just watched Kion from a distance.

"What do you want?" He asked, his sense of trust gone for everyone.

"I was just wondering if you would watch me do garbage." She replied.

"Ok... but no tricks!" Kion agreed. The two strolled to a pile of leaves. Jasiri pushed them off a small ledge, proving her innocence. Kion nodded.

"Ok, so you're safe the-" An emergency meeting was called.

"Oh no." Jasiri said as she and Kion glanced at each other, the took off towards the meeting table. A long, flat rock with a fruit that would make a honking sound when you pressed on it.

"What's wrong?" Fuli asked.

"I saw Dogo vent!" Bunga pointed at the small jackal.

"What! No, I never did that! He's lying, I promise!" Dogo pleaded.

"Yeah, he jumped right into the snow and stalked Beshte!" Bunga accused. Beshte nodded.

"I saw someone coming towards me, but I didn't know who it was." He stated.

"It's Dogo then." Fuli said, voting Dogo.

"That can't be true. Dogo and I were together the entire time. I think Beshte and Bunga are the imposters!" Ono declared.

In the end, Fuli Beshte and Bunga voted on Dogo. Kion, Ono and Dogo voted for Bunga. Jasiri skipped. No one was ejected. Fuli was acting pretty sus, following Kion around. He wouldn't mind if he ended up dead by her paws, though. He actually found himself enjoying her company. The snow moved near them.

"Someone's in the vent!" Fuli shouted, shoving Kion out of the way as someone jumped out at them. Kion didn't see, as he face planted into the snow. He jumped up and turned to Fuli, only to find her dead.

"Fuli no!" Kion knelt in the snow and put a paw to her face.

"Why you?" He asked no one in particular. He looked around but whoever had jumped out of the vent was already gone. There was a gasp from behind him.

"Kion! You killed Fuli? I'm reporting this!" Dogo yelled, slamming his paw on the fruit. Everyone gathered at the table.

"Kion killed Fuli! I saw him standing over her body!" Dogo slammed his paw on the table.

"Nonsense! Kion watched me do garbage and I saw him do wires!" Jasiri protested.

"Is this true, Kion?" Bunga asked.

"Yup. Jasiri is safe. Someone jumped out of the vent and Fuli pushed me out of the way. I didn't see who killed her. They were already gone." Kion explained.

"Where's Beshte?" Bunga asked.

"He's dead too!" Ono claimed.

"I was heading to the table to report when Dogo called a meeting." He said.

"We have to vote someone off. But if we vote the wrong person, we lose." Jasiri told everyone.

"Well, whoever had to be in the vent had to be small..." Kion thought outloud.

"And the last person I saw with Beshte was Dogo! Plus he vented in the beginning of the round!" Bunga pressed.

"It's not me! Kion was standing over the body!" Dogo pleaded but everyone voted him off. Dogo was the imposter. One imposter remains. The four who were left all ran from each other. Kion went with Jasiri and Ono went with Bunga.

"So... who do you think the final imposter is?" Jasiri asked.

"Well it's not you or me, and Bunga insisted on voting Dogo from the beginning..."

"Ono also stuck up for Dogo in the first meeting!" Jasiri gasped. It was all adding up like puzzle pieces.

"So, it's Ono?" Kion asked.

"Has to be! Come on, we gotta report!" However, the table was quite far away. The snow shuffled around them again.

"Run!" Kion screamed. Ono popped out and chased the lion and hyena.

"I knew it! Ono is the imposter!" Jasiri yelled as they ran. Ono caught up and killed her. Kion stopped.

"Jasiri!" Ono stood over the body.

"You're lucky I have a kill cool down." He said. Kion turned and began to run again. Ono chased him. Kion slammed the fruit before Ono could kill him. Bunga came running up.

"Ono jumped out of the vent and killed Jasiri!" Kion screamed.

"No! Kion was standing over the body and is framing me! I was about to report!" Ono protested.

"Ono watched me do scan." Bunga said. "What?!" Kion exclaimed. Ono smirked when Bunga wasn't looking.

"I promise, he's the imposter! He was watching you to gain your trust! He stuck up for Dogo in the first meeting, remember?" Kion pleaded.

Bunga put his hand to his chin. Ono voted Kion. Kion voted Ono. It was up to Bunga to decide. He voted..... Ono. Ono was the imposter. Crewmates won! Immediately all the "dead" crewmates rushed over to celebrate.

"I thought you were gonna vote Kion off!" Beshte said.

"For the record, yes I killed Beshte, but Ono was the one who killed Fuli." Dogo stated.

"Fuli!" Kion bounced over to her. "You saved me!"

She shrugged.

"I figured you'd make a better argument than me." She said, kissing his cheek. Kion smirked and kissed her back, but on the lips. Jasiri quietly clapped for Kion. Dogo laughed.

"Onto round two then?" He asked. Bunga nodded.

"Yeah that was fun!"

"You up for another round?" Fuli asked. Kion smiled.

"With you? Any day."

31 days of oneshots: a December specialWhere stories live. Discover now