3: Rescue Riders-AxelXLeyla

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Day: 3
Prompt: Suicide
Pairing: Axel and Leyla
Fandom: Rescue Riders

⚠️ This contains suicidal triggers so DONT READ if you are not comfortable with these ⚠️

The night was cold and dark. There was no snow. Only a layer of frost on the ground that would crunch under your feet if you were to step on it. Honestly the night felt more like Halloween or Hoogenboo. It was foggy and quiet. The wind blew gently, barely making a sound. And yet Leyla couldn't sleep. She had this feeling inside of her. Something wasn't right.

She looked over at Dak, who was peacefully sleeping with his back to her. His breath was slow and steady. He must have been in deep sleep. Leyla crept out of her bed and snuck past him. She slipped off her footie pajamas and equipped her usual daytime gear. It had to be at least midnight. She decided to go on a quick patrol. Instead of waking Summer or any of the other dragons, she went on foot, as to not disturb anyone.

As walked around Huttsgalor, the frost crunching under her boots. She felt something off, but didn't see anything. As she was almost done making a full circle around the town, she spotted Elbone's boat rocking more than it should. The wind wouldn't have been moving it that much. Then a figure stepped onto the edge of the boat, holding what looked like a large stone. What are they doing? Leyla wondered. The stone looked like it was chained to their leg. A person with a heavy object, about to jump into the ocean... Leyla got a sinking feeling in her stomach as she started to sprint towards the boat.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Leyla yelled at the figure. As she got closer the moonlight shone on them. Leyla gasped, her jaw gaping.

"Axel?!" Axel Finke turned to look at her, sorrow and hurt in his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked quietly.

"Axel what on earth are you doing? Are you-" Leyla looked at the heavy stone chained to Axel's leg.

"Are you going to drown yourself?" She spoke barely above a whisper. Axel looked back at the ocean.

"What's it to you?" He said. Leyla panicked inside. She tried to remain calm to Axel but was failing.

"You can't just do this! You can't just commit suicide!" She said.

"Yes I can. No one would even notice I'm gone. Magnus would be happier than ever. The town would prosper more. I'm not important and nobody cares about me." Leyla started to lose it.

"WHAT THE NIGHTFURY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She screamed. The sound rang out in the quiet night air. For a minute Leyla though she had woken someone up, but no one came outside. Axel tilted his head a bit, his eyes wide at her sudden outburst.

"Sure, Magnus is a jerk. He's mean to all of us, not just you. And yeah, the villagers don't pay you much attention, but that's because they barely know you. If you just talk to them or help them out when Magnus isn't looking then maybe they would notice you more. Plus, you said no one cares about you, but.... I care. Dak cares. We've noticed the good inside you. And... I don't know if this is the right time to tell you, but..." Leyla paused to catch her breath, her heart racing as she looked into Axel's eyes. A shimmer of hope stirred within them.

"I've... actually developed... oh boy... I've developed a secret crush on you. I didn't know at first, but the more I looked at you, the more I could see you trying to be a good person. And... the more I fell in love with you." Leyla was calmer than she thought she would be, but Axel was a blushing mess.

"Well... I... uh... I've never thought about a crush before... Um, but, you are, uh, beautiful?" Leyla beamed.

"I would miss you if you died." She said as she got closer to Axel. He gulped and dropped the stone to the side. Leyla stood inches from his face. But it was Axel that pulled her in. He ran his fingers through her hair as they kissed.

When he let go, he muttered, "Thank you. That... would have been a poor choice. Honestly I don't know what I was thinking. Also, your hair is really soft. What conditioner do you use?" Axel asked. Leyla giggled.

"I'm glad that you're back to your senses." She said.

"Hey, is it ok if we... don't mention any of this to anyone else?" Axel asked another question.

"Sure. But don't blush too much if I wink at you." Leyla smirked and yawned.

"I gotta head back to the Roost. I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked. Axel nodded and smiled, a real, genuine smile.

"Of course." He replied.

31 days of oneshots: a December specialजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें