14: Resident Evil-ChrisXJill

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Day: 14
Prompt: Too much
Pairing: Chris and Jill
Fandom: Resident Evil

Chris sped down the hallway, bumping into walls during swift turns. Of course, next time he came around the walls wouldn't be in place. Why? Because the monster behind him smashed through all of them. He had shot it a few times but it didn't die. It seemed to grow more powerful, actually. As Chris turned another corner he found himself in a hall full of infecteds. He shoved them all aside, leaving them to be punched through the walls by that giant thing. The last one grabbed him, forcing Chris to stop for just one moment. He shoved a grenade in its mouth and pushed it back, running once again and hearing the explosion behind him. But that didn't stop the monster either.

It seemed to be almost invincible and didn't die by normal gunshot like the infecteds. In fact, even putting that monster in a room full of dynamite probably wouldn't kill it. Chris remembered his encounter with a scientist from umbrella corps. He remembered his partner Jill telling him about this thing. They had called it Nemesis. Its face was pale and ragged, skin covering one out of two blank white eyes. Its entire chin and mouth area were exposed, showing long, terrifying teeth and fleshy red insides. Nemesis was relentless in his chase, never stopping no matter what got in his way. And most of the time, Nemesis would catch up to and slaughter his prey. His prey, who was unfortunately Chris Redfield.

Chris slammed into the doors, throwing them open. He sped outside, almost slipping on the slick ice road. Nemesis had no trouble with weather. He continued his pursuit as if it was a bright summer day. However, Chris had to run from certain death in the cold winter night. The monster chased him all over the city. A pack of infected dogs jumped out of an alleyway.

"This is just too much!" Chris yelled as he shot at the dogs, keeping them away long enough for Nemesis to swing them into the air.

Chris used this as a distraction so he could escape. He ran and ran, twisting and turning with the road. His heart sank when he hit a dead end. The could hear pounding footsteps behind him. The monster rounded the corner and looked Chris in the eyes. He stopped for a moment, staring at Chris. Nemesis let out an angry groan and charged. Chris threw his hands in front of his face. There was a sudden bright light and screech of wheels. Nemesis was thrown forwards, past Chris into the wall.

"Give me your hand!" Yelled a voice he recognized.

Chris reached up towards a truck as a hand popped out of the door. The hand grabbed his and yanked him inside. The truck immediately started back up and whirled around, tires screeching mercilessly against the road and shredding the thin layer of ice.

"Jill!" Chris exclaimed. Jill steered the truck onto a long clear path and set it to autopilot. Then she turned to Chris. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you so much!" She barley had time to be shocked when the two heard the pounding footsteps behind them once again.

"We're heading towards the city exit. Nemesis doesn't like leaving the city. We'll lose him that way." She said. Chris nodded and thanked her once again. Jill smiled a bit.

"Of course. I had to save my partner. We're in this together."

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