First Contact

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The imperial forces prepared. Mhmun, Emely, and Cullen, along with a handful of Lansar guardsmen walked in to the Fortress's Teleportarum. The tech priests operating the ancient device looked at the group, made up of nearly 4 marines, from both Lion and Blades chapters, an ogryn, a felinid explosives expert, and 2 other guardsmen, a tech priest, Ro-Echo-Gamma, and an psyker who had astropathic training.

They stood on the pads. Everyone put rebreather and air tanks. The ships were scanned, and a large opening was detected. That was the goal of the teleportation. The chamber glowed, before suddenly flashing light, accompanied by a deafening thunderous boom, and the group was skimming the edge of reality, between the warp and reality, traveling in it for tenths of a second, before exiting, everyone landed, falling inches at most onto the metal surface.

The metal bent under the sudden weight of the marines in armor. They looked around, before a door opened. The guardsmen, and marines were preparing, turning the safety off on their weapons.

"It's.......weirdly clean, and simple." Cullen said.

"I'm guessing those doors will lead us further inside." the demolitions expert, Daisy said.

"It quiet." the Ogryn said.

Alarms began to blare, and the group got ready to defend itself. They waited, the marines protecting the psycker, and the techpriest.

"Then, what do we wait for?" Emely said, as they began to walk towards the door.

The door opened and several clones came through, lifting their blasters, shouting at the group. No one understood what was being said, so an awkward stand off began. The Techpriest sat up before it placed a mechadendrite on the back of the marine helmets, and began the programming new language into the helmets of the astartes.

"Stand down! How did they get onto the ship?" One questioned.

Mhmun was first to speak, this.....alien tongue. Ro-Echo-Gamma was quick to give the information of the Lansarian guardsmen, who had cybernetics that would allow a data transfer into their minds.

"Translation Matrix complete." the tech priest said.

"You are of Humanity. We are of the Imperium of Man. We have been lost from our home. We wish to speak with your leader." Mhmun said.

A man in tan robes stepped forward, his hair was brushed back, and his beard was neatly kept.

"I am Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi. May I have your name?" the man introduced himself.

A few steps behind him was a younger man, one who wore brown robes, similar to Obi-wans. Mhmun reached for his helmet, having the locks come free and he removed it, breathing in the new air of this galaxy.

"I am Mhmun, Chapter Master of the Blades of Flame space marine chapter, servant of the God-Emperor of Mankind, founder of the Imperium of man." Mhmun explained, as he had his helmet magneticly lock onto his belt.

Obi-wan looked at Mhmun, the large figure was nearly as tall as the hallway. His face was pale, having black hair that was somewhat long, with two grey streaks on the side, showing his age. His eyes were golden in color, 5 small rings over his brow shimmered with gold. Mhmun and one other figure wore blue armor, that was covered by a cloak of deep red cloth. On the shoulder was a sword, one that was surrounded by flames. On his hip was a sheathe, with his hand resting on the pommel, relaxed, but ready to fight.

"My name is Emely." the other tall figure said.

They didn't remove their helmet, as their frame seemed different, it was the same shape, but the movements were different, not as refined or fluid as Mhmuns. The helmet bore the face of a beast, with a cape that was more a pelt. The armor more of a dark tan, having the side head of a beast on the shoulder.

"I am Commander Cullen. That is Grek, our Ogryn, next to him is Daisy, our lovely explosives expert, and there are Harek and Kerah." Cullen explained, removing his helmet, showing his messy blonde hair.

"It is good to meet you all, I must ask, you would not be the group who destroyed the invading droid army, would you?" Anakin asked.

"We did destroy the Machine men, yes. Now, we are, not the most knowledgeable of the events. We would like to become informed of events, we have traveled far and need to simply refresh our knowledge of events." Mhmun said.

"How long have you been away?" Kenobi asked, skeptically.

"We have not been in this galaxy before, our last jump sent us beyond all known knowledge, so we may as well be considered strangers in this galaxy." Mhmun said.

This phrase frightened Kenobi, it was unheard of, for any group to be from beyond the galaxy.

"Well, I would be happy to inform you of the recent events, try to answer any questions you have." Kenobi said, walking towards a larger hanger area.

"Hold. I would, like to see your own troops, speak to soldiers you lead." Cullen said.

"I would be happy to show you to the mess hall." Anakin said.

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