Secret Project

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In a deeper lab of Kamino, one hidden away from the rest of the clones, and some of the cloners themselves, was a secret team, working on uncovering the secret of the astartes. Darth Sidious had instructed them to create what the origin of the astarte's DNA. Palpatine was curious himself, what would the monsters look like that created the Astartes. 

"DNA sample extracted, preparing to implant into donor cell. Subject O.S.P-1 and O.S.P-2 have been implanted." a Kaminoan cloner said, as the DNA would enter the cells, and soon begin to replicate.

The cloners were given instructions, that the genetic material harvested from the fallen astartes, would be cloned, and then given to the Chancellor of the republic Chancellor in secret, once grown. They were going to be quickly sped up, until they were the age of children. As a few weeks passed, the cloners checked in person, as data was.....different than expected. 

O.S.P-1 and 2 were to be grown at a faster rate, much like the jango fett clones, but, these were maturing even faster then they had predicted. As another week passed, when they were still expected to be still in the middle of the fetal stages, but instead, they were nearly completely developed into toddlers.

These subjects were growing at an alarming rate, sometimes double to triple the expected rates. Brain waves also showed they had were developing fast as well. As the Project neared a month, they were the size of the clone cadets. Even in attempts to move, they had bitten the cloners, drawing blood, and seemed to become more intelligent, or knowledgeable, in the fields of those who they had bitten.

O.S.P-1 was thin, pale, and had sunken eyes, with black hair, near black empty eyes, and sharp teeth. It continuously kicked at the tube and scratched at the glass. When it was dark, he would repeatedly try and break the glass, and it was noted that his eyes would seem to glow.  

O.S.P-2 was not as thin, he was a bit more average, no strange features in terms of facial structure, except for his eyes that continuously changing. He also had two small growth in his back, he wouldn't act out that much, but was always tapping the glass, knock on it, knock the floor, or anything that was around them, in an attempt to make a tune.

"These subjects are strange, development is unexpected, we have scanned the subjects, I am seeing several non-standard human organs. we have compiled a list of 17 shared between the them, and the Astartes, sample.

  1. A second heart, increases blood flow
  2. gland that increases bone size and density
  3. gland that increases muscle mass and density
  4. gland that increases hemoglobin and oxygen circulation
  5. Organ that increases blood clotting
  6. implant into the brain that affects the sleep schedule
  7. a pre-stomach that allows a wider diet, including generally inedible materials
  8. spinal implant connecting to the brain and stomach
  9. a third lung that lets them absorb oxygen from most atmospheres 
10. implant into the eye that increases vision in most environments
11. ear implants that increase balance and hearing to a heightened degree
12. a brain cover that has an unknown purpose.
13. gland that controls melanin in the skin
14. a kidney that removes any toxins we have placed in the food provided
15. an implant in the tongue
16. an organ that secretes a sweat-gel substance
17. a set of organs that secrete a highly toxic and corrosive liquid.

The Kaminoan cloners looked at the two subjects, the source was from the outsiders, so....what are these, they look human, but they are not human, that was clear by the extra organs that they could not identify as human, or even the purpose of them. 

The entirety of this project was dangerous, what every these creatures are, they need to be dealt with, a weakness found, something to stop them.

The subjects reached nearly a month in age, and be similar to young children, but the subjects, O.S.P-1 specifically, had made several escape attempts. The Cloners had several security droids watching over them, monitoring them constantly, but....they were very dangerous.

Sidious had called for the project's status.

"The Project is a mess, they growth rate is far beyond what we expected or anticipated, and we are trying to keep them contained, and one subject has wings of an avian. The other is constantly trying to escape, we have lost 2 security droids to an escape attempts and half a dozen clean rooms were contaminated by breaking through containment in the duct systems, and nearly entered the main cloning facilities." the cloner said.

"Send them to Couroscant, my plan will soon be put into action." Sidious said.

Palpatine would be alarmed of the approach of someone to his office. He ended the holo-call, before turning, and read a recently received report. The Door would open, and both Bail and Padme entered the office.

"Senator Organa, Senator Amidala, what's the nature of this, unexpected visit?" He asked.

"We had to leave a certain detail from the support, one that we are worried, and have already sent the information to the Jedi, as it concerns them as well." Padme said.

"It would seem, that, the Imperium has a prophecy of sorts, as one of their religious leaders, has heard from their Emperor, of his rebirth." Bale said.

"Oh? What has made this so concerning between both of you, that would involve the jedi?" Palpatine asked, angry that the jedi knew this information, before he did.

"The Emperor will be reborn as one who can walk the skies. We believe, it may be referring to General Skywalker, if we take the wording in a loose definition. If they think he is their reborn Emperor, or....maybe he will have his children be the reborn emperor, I fear what they will do when the news spreads." Padme said.

"General Skywalker is an important figure to the war, and if we would lose him, I fear that it would prolong the war for much longer, which we can not allow." Bail said.

"So what do you propose we do? We can not remove him from the front lines, he is one of the best generals we have." Palpatine said.

"We may need to withdraw him for a short time, to ensure his safety." Padme said.

-meanwhile, in Imperial Space-

Mhmun, Lacedaemon, Stroud and Emely all gathered, they had been given the report. A sister of battle, had received a vision from the Emperor, with a clear message. He will be given new life in this lost galaxy, and he is identified as one who walks the skies.

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