Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious

Start from the beginning

"What?" Fox stated. "We can't just lock down what, a trillion people just to save one Jedi, I mean-"

"She's more than a Jedi." I said.

"In what way?" Fox asked condescendingly.

"Anakin, you know it better than I do." I said.

"If Ahsoka dies, (y/n) will blame it all on himself, and he will become more angry then anything ever. He will destroy this entire planet by himself, and we won't be able to stop him. Yes, he will kill all of the Sith and he'd kill all the Separatists and criminals, but he'll kill billions upon billions of innocents in the process, searching for her. If he doesn't find her in this realm, he will tear this realm to pieces before moving onto another realm, destroying them all until reality itself no longer exists and he is the only matter, unless he finds a way to get Ahsoka back into his arms safe. That's why we need to lock this planet down." Anakin said.

Fox sighed as we said that.

"Should we take this to the senate?" He said.

"No. They won't realise how big of a threat this is, besides, (y/n) despises negotiations, he prefers brute force and direct action, so that is what we must do."

We all nodded to each other.

"I will contact planetary control and lock this planet down." Cody said as he ran off.

"I'll start the search parties up." Fox said as he did the same, leaving me, Anakin and Wolffe standing there.

"What're you gonna do?" I asked Wolffe.

"I'm waiting." He said. "Tech and Hunter are in her room finding out every piece of evidence they can as Crosshair scours the lower levels for slave traders and Wrecker tries to get information out of notorious criminals. While (y/n) and Ahsoka aren't here, I'm in charge of them. Once Hunter and Tech come back with results, we'll be heading out."

Me and Anakin nodded as Wolffe began to walk off towards what we could only assume was Ahsoka's room.

I looked at Anakin as his comm link rang. He answered it and Padmé picked up.

"Hiya Padmé." Anakin said.

"Hello Ani, um, do you know why Coruscant has just gone into planetary lockdown?" She asked.

"Uh, yes. Ahsoka's been kidnapped and it's the only way to stop her from being taken off world. If we can keep her on Coruscant them we can greatly narrow down her location."

Padmé nodded as Anakin said that.

"The senate doesn't like this action though. An emergency meeting has been called and the chancellor is calling this an outrage."

Anakin nodded.

"I don't know what I can do. I'm staying here to help find Ahsoka. She's got to live, for all of existences sake." I said.

Padmé sighed and nodded.

"I know. I hope we find her soon, and alive."

"I think we all do." I said.

"Yeah. Love you Ani."

"I love you too." Anakin replied before hanging up.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"We wait until we find a lead and go off that." Anakin said as he looked out over Coruscant and at the huge traffic jams, panicking civilians and masses of clone troopers and Jedi roaming the city in search of one single Jedi.

Padmé pov

I'd just hung up with Ani. I really hope this is all solved really quickly and we can just move on.

"This is an outrage!" Palpatine yelled. "The Jedi council can not commence such an act without the senate's vote." He said.

"It's bigger than we think though!" I shouted. "If Ahsoka dies, everything across every realm will die!"

"Nonsense. No being can do that much harm." Palpatine said.

"Oh, but he can."

We all turned to look at the robotic voice of Hayden but saw the previously quarantined 'Seraphim' on Hayden's previous platform.

"If Ahsoka dies, everyone will die, no matter what realm they are in. Yes, even you will die." He said as he pointed at Sidious.

"How about we take a vote to see what we decide? We are a senate after all." Palpatine stated. He got a big cheer from everyone as a vote for a lockdown disengage appeared on our screen. I instantly voted no for it to keep the lockdown in effect, and to my surprise, the outcome was massively with me.

"I see." Palpatine stated coldly. "So, everyone here, say aye if you voted to keep the lockdown."

"Aye!" The crowd roared. I looked around at everyone and smiled. All of these people were with me, but, they, they all had yellow eyes! What was happening!?

"And, how about those against the quarantine?"

Silence fell over the senators as the Seraphim floated his pad down towards Palpatine.

"It looks like we've got a majority...
Sidious." The Seraphim exclaimed as he drove his car nearer to Palpatine's.

"What are you talking about, this dark lord is unknown to all but the mightiest of all the gods in Urdak-"

"And who are those gods?"

"Well, there's the father, and the Khan Maykr-"

"And the Seraphim!" The Seraphim yelled as huge yellow wings arose from his body and he began to fly, gaining immense size as he did so.

"W-what, are you talking about? I, I'm not the dark lo-"

Palpatine was cut short as the Seraphim seemingly used the force to lock Palpatine in place, hovering a few feet above his pod. Suddenly, the Seraphim shot yellow lightning down from the sky, through the ceiling of the senate and onto Palpatine. He began to scream as he did so, yelling his lungs out as his skin turned from his normal pale flesh, to black and wrinkled and his eyes turned from deep blue, to yellow, the colour of the Sith.

The Seraphim let go of Palpatine and let him fall back onto his pod. After a second, Palpatine, or should I say, Sidious, stood up, smiling.

"Your reign ends now." The Seraphim exclaimed in a deep, menacing voice which echoed through the entire of the senate and beyond, being heard within everyone's body's.

A red lightsaber was ignited down by Sidious's side as his smile grew wider.

"We shall see." He said in a voice which sent chills down even the fiercest of warriors' spines.

Shit's getting real. Sidious's true identity has been revealed, and he's now in a fight with the Seraphim. Who do you think will win? Who do you want to win? Will we find Ahsoka alive, or will something happen to her before we find her? Find out in probably several weeks as I never fucking upload chapters in this story anymore cos I'm a lazy shit, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story building dialogue chapter, and until then, this is

Cheese Epic out.

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