"Why the hell did P'Moon do that? I never saw him brag like this before, is it because you like Blue too?" Shan was stressed out. "Probably. He wanted to be with Blue so bad that he forgot that the two of us were classmates so whatever result comes out from the match, I'm still going to have a chance to be with Blue." Bright shrugged his shoulders, P'Rain burst out laughing. "You're right. That's witty, Nong." He complimented him.

"So, that's the reason why you agreed to him? Whether you win the match or not, you've got nothing to lose." Blue realized. "Yeah, in fact I just gave him a favor. Since he's more likely to win, I might as well agree to his suggestion so that he could still have a chance to be with you. Well, of course, I still won't back down and I'll play fairly." Bright winked at her. Wow, I didn't expect that he thought of it deeply. He's smart.

P'Rain went ahead first and he bid his goodbye. Blue furrowed her brows when he heard him say 'Khon dii' to Shan. She's used to it but she always teases them whenever they call each other with their endearment. "I really couldn't understand couples." Blue blurted out when P'Rain left.

"That's because you've never been into a relationship, silly. It's normal, you know." Bright shook his head. Blue suddenly remembered what she found out on his Instagram. Oh, right. He had been into one. "Why? Have you been into one?" Blue wanted to confirm even if she already knew the answer. "Why are you suddenly curious about my lovelife?" Bright crossed his arms. "Woah, I just asked one question and you already act like it's a big deal. Don't answer it, then." She rolled her eyes. Shan was giggling alone while observing the two.

"I'm just kidding, yeah, I have but that was a long time ago and nothing serious so I don't know if I could consider it a relationship." He answered seriously. Nothing serious but he posted her on his Instagram? And they have fans? How is it 'nothing serious'? Blue debated in her mind. "I heard from P'Rain. Your so-called ex is his classmate." Shan blurted out, Bright suddenly froze. I wouldn't consider that 'nothing serious' if he still acts like this. He's still clearly affected, why does he deny it? "Really? So, she studies here, huh.. Are you sure you came back here for me, or for her?" Blue teased Bright.

Bright clenched his jaw and sighed deeply. "I don't have a business with her and we're done a long time ago. I came back for you so don't think the other way around." Blue and Shan looked at each other, both surprised with Bright's reaction. They shrugged because they were clueless on what's happening. "Alright, if you said so.. Come on, let's go to our room." Blue suggested. I wonder what happened between him and Beam. They must have had a bad ending. I better not meddle with it.

Blue got nervous as soon as she checked her wristwatch. Damn it, it's almost lunchtime. Why does time fly so fast when you're avoiding something? "You keep looking at the time." Bright noticed and whispered to her. "I'm bored." She lied. Bright knew deep inside that Blue's getting nervous again.

"Nothing bad will happen. I promise." He gave her reassurance. In a few minutes, the school bell rang and it's time for lunch. Their classmates stared at them and started gossiping again. "Oh come on! I wanna throw hands!" Shan raised her voice and slammed her desk. "Hey, stop that.. let's go" Blue pulled Shan to stop her from causing a scene.

"Why did you pull me? I could've shouted something. They're getting on my nerves!" Shan crossed her arms while walking. "I told you, don't mind them. If you give them the attention they want, you'll lose against them." Blue scolded her. "What happened? Why is she mad again?" P'Rain appeared out of nowhere. "She wanted to defend me again and I stopped her." Blue laughed.

They reached the football field and they immediately saw P'Moon and some of his teammates. Only P'Moon was wearing his jersey. They planned to play one-on-one with each other. They weren't the only audience present, there were also a few students on the bleachers which are probably P'Moon's admirers.

"Sawasdee krub.." P'Moon greeted everyone, they greeted in return too. "Are you ready, Nong?" P'Moon asked as he faced Bright. Bright gave him a short nod. "Go, P'Moon!" His admirers shouted. "You can do it, Bright!" There were also Bright's admirers on the other end of the bleachers. Blue realized that those girls were familiar, they're her batchmates.

"Let's play fair and square, I won't use my advantage to get ahead of you, so let's do our best." P'Moon reminded Bright. "Alright, let's start." Bright agreed. "Please, keep safe, you two." Blue crossed her fingers as she wished them luck. The game started and was being monitored by P'Moon's teammates.

It clearly shows that P'Moon is a veteran player, even if he doesn't use too much force and energy he still plays well. Bright doesn't always play football but he's not bad for an amateur. They only needed to score a point, but they're finding it hard to do so because their competitiveness was expressed too much. Bright was getting tired because P'Moon got a lot more intense than earlier. Fuck, I couldn't keep up with him. He's too fast. Bright huffed as he chase P'Moon.

"Shit, I know that moves so well. P'Moon is using his game play towards Bright. This is bad." Blue panicked as she bit her fingers. "Bright wouldn't be able to pick up with his pace. Jeez, P'Moon." Shan got worried as well. "Hey, this is a game, ladies. You shouldn't expect Moon to go easy on that boy just because he's inexperienced." P'Moon's teammates explained.

"But still.." Blue mumbled to herself. She stopped panicking and focused on the game. Blinking became hard because one second they took their eyes away from the game, there would also be a bigger chance that they wouldn't see what's gonna happen next. "What's with you, Nong? I thought you don't like her. Why did you suddenly confess yesterday?" P'Moon asked Bright while he's guarding the ball with his feet.

"Is it bad to have some realizations? I was unsure of my feelings at first but when I found out that you like her, it has awakened my feelings. I have always liked her, ever since we were kids." Bright tried to explain even though he's getting restless. P'Moon clicked his tongue. "Are you sure that wasn't your ego acting up? Is it really necessary that you needed to have someone to compete with to realize your feelings? And you call that sincerity?" P'Moon chuckled while running away to get the ball closer to the goal.

I'm now at my limit and did he just provoke the shit out of me? I think I'm going to pass out but I won't give up. Not now and not here. Bright tried to keep up with P'Moon's pace and steal the ball from him. "I didn't confess to feed my ego or to feel less threatened or whatever nonsense that's going on in your mind! I confessed because I wanted her to know that it's been her all along!" Bright shouted as he paved his way from stealing the ball. He's getting closer to the goal now. He ran as fast as he could.

Everybody heard their conversations. Blue felt her chest tightened. She didn't know what to feel, she got mixed emotions after hearing what Bright said. It's been me all along? What about Beam? Didn't he love her before? Wait, what am I saying? I don't even believe in love. How could I understand it?

"You won't win against me!" When Bright was about to kick the ball, P'Moon caught up to him and tripped him while running causing him to fall on his knees. Blue's eyes widened in an instant. She stood up in a second, obviously shocked with what just happened. Her chest started to throb. Everybody waited for Bright to stand up but he remained curled up while holding his knee.

"Goal!" P'Moon's teammates shouted as he scored a goal. P'Moon ran to the bleachers while rejoicing his victory. "Blue, I won-" When he was about to approach Blue, he saw her teary-eyed while staring at Bright. "What's wrong with you, P'Moon?! You already see him lying there yet you didn't try to help him?! Bright!" Blue shouted after confronting P'Moon. He ran to Bright, leaving everyone behind. Shan and P'Rain followed her. They saw him curling up in pain.

"Bright.." Blue held his face and wiped his sweat. Bright was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes but he still tried to open it to see Blue's face. "Why are you crying? I'm okay, Blue. I'm just tired from the game." He wiped her tears. "Shan, go call the medic! I'll lift him up.. Blue, help me" P'Rain suggested. They carefully lifted Bright and the bystanders helped them as well. They laid him down on the bleachers and fanned him to give additional air.

"Does it hurt so much?" Blue looked at Bright's scraped and swollen knee. "I told you I'm okay, that's just a scratch. Stop crying now, Blue.." Blue didn't notice that she's still crying. She wiped her tears and held Bright's shaking hands. P'Moon stared at them while being speechless.

The paramedic came with a stretcher and transferred Bright. They rushed him to the clinic. Before Blue and company were able to leave, P'Moon spoke. "Blue, I- I'm sorry.." He uttered with a guilt in his tone. "You went too far, P'Moon. This is not it." Blue responded coldly before leaving him behind.

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