£ chapter 3 £

441 19 6

Mangles PoV:

It's yet another night of working but I've came in early to help few girls with things before we open. As I'm sitting on the stage on my phone because I'm not doing anything the door opens.

"Sorry mate we are not open yet" Harry the DJ said, my eyes widen when I see Foxy walking in what is he doing here?!

"Yeah yeah I know I'm looking for Mangle" he says but smiles when he spots me making my stomach flutter, stop these feelings!

"What are you doing here?" I ask hopping off the stage walking over to him. "I just wanted to see you" he smiles as I look up at him, "yeah I ain't giving lap dancing or anything until we open" I sigh as he shakes his head, "no I don't want a lap dance I just want to see you and maybe take you somewhere for food because the night I saw you I wanted to get to know you even though we only met last night" Foxy breathes out after talking fast.

I stand there blinking in shock as my stomach starts fluttering again. Come on Mangle maybe he means good unlike the other who left you heart broken and alone.

"U-uhh I d-don't know" I stutter while rubbing my arm and looking away from him. He sounds such a nice guy but I have trust issues and I don't want to be left heart broken and alone again.

"Look I'm not pushing you but I can drop you home or back here if you feel comfortable at any point" he says seriously.

"Why do you want to get to know me?" I ask looking at him making him smile, "because you caught my attention last night" he says making me blush.

"Ok I will go with you" I say making his face light up. "I will just get my stuff wait here" I tell him as I walk back to the changing room to get my handbag and put on a pair of joggers over my shorts because it's cold outside.

"Where you going!" Emily asks me smiling, "this guy from last night wants to take me out to get food" I say blushing slightly making her grin.

"Wow mangs thats great I hope it goes well" she says happily, "it isn't like that we are just going to get food" I laugh slightly as she rolls her eyes and smiles as I wave goodbye and walk out.

I spot Foxy standing in the same place with his hands in his black work trousers looking up at the ceiling. "Ok I'm ready" I say as he looks down and smiles at me.

We head out into the cold night and walk a few feet down the road until Foxy pulls out car keys and unlocks a black Bentley.

"Ladies first" he smiles opening the passenger door for me. I thank him and get in and he shuts the door for me and walks around to the drivers side.

The drive to wherever we are going is quiet, I feel like I wanted to speak but I couldn't find the words.

Foxy parks his car outside what looks like a pizza place. We get out and head inside where it's warm. While Foxy asks for a table for two I look around.

It's pretty nice I didn't know their was a pizza place round the corner. We follow the waiter to our seats as I get a few stares my way probably at what I'm wearing.

I'm wearing a spots bra that shows quite a bit of cleavage, joggers with my hair in a messy bun, I don't see the problem.

I sat down on a chair opposite foxy and look out the window, god I'm shit at this kind of stuff. "Can I get you any drinks?" A lady asks us.

"I will have a coke please" Foxy tells her as she nods and writes it down on her note pad. "And you?" She asks me I respond with a water.

She heads off to get our drinks. "So what do you want to know about me?" I ask putting my hands under my bum to keep them warm.

"Anything" Foxy responds with a cheeky grin, making giggle when rests his chin on his hand. "Uhh ok well I'm 20 years old I started working at the strip club at the age of 18 because my mother threw me out because she wanted her boyfriend to move in" I say as Foxy eyebrows furrow in anger, "that's disgusting" he says in annoyance as I nod.

"Yeah. Me and my mother never really got along since my dad left us because she blamed me for him leaving hence the reason why she kicked me out so I don't make this other one leave either" I sigh but shrug because it is what it is.

"I'm sure you didn't make your dad leave Mangle" Foxy says gently as I shrug again, "I don't know but my mum can fuck herself I don't need her anymore" I say with a straight smile.

After our drinks came I found out that Foxy has his own company that his dad used to own and his childhood is like mine. boring.

We ordered a pizza to share and spoke about casual stuff but I nearly spat my drink out a few times because Foxy kept making me laugh but overall I'm really enjoying myself with him.

"Is your hair naturally that colour?" He asks after we calmed down from our laughing fit that made people stare at us weirdly. I wanted to spit my water in their eye because they're so judgmental.

"Yeah" I simply smile as he smiles to and moves his hand towards my face and takes a piece of hair between his fingers making me blush.

"Sorry" he apologises realising what he done and put his hand back, "no!" I say a bit too loudly, "-I mean no it's fine" I correct myself still blushing making Foxy smile.

"But the real question here is" I giggle, "is your hair real?" I ask whilst smirking. "Yes actually I get it from my dad no one believes my hair is natural" Foxy say as I nod and take a sip of my drink.

"I like your hair" I smile making him grin, "thanks". After some dessert Foxy asks for the bill making me get some money out ready to pay but when I look up from my bag Foxy has already paid it...no I'm not accepting that.

"I was going to pay for that!" I say in annoyance making him chuckle at me. "No need Mangle" he smiles getting up from his seat and I follow.


Foxy x Mangle|| your tiny dancer||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon