£ chapter 40 £

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Mangles Pov

I lay in bed exhausted and hot from giving birth, it was the most tiring thing I think I will ever do in my life its really does take all the energy out of your body making you feels so limp and weak. The nurse had to give me switches down below which was very uncomfortable but had to be done "you did it mang, you did so great" foxy says as he gives me a kiss in my forehead. I gave him a weak smile in response "come on let me help you get cleaned up and into some fresh clothes" foxy says helping me up from the bed "what about the baby" I ask weakly as I hold onto foxy for support so I don't fall "the nurse has got her don't worry" foxy assures me and I nod.

after showering and getting into new fresh pjs I brush my teeth and wash my face to try and refresh myself after cleaning myself up I hold onto foxy for support and walk back out of the bathroom. foxy helps me get back into bed and comfy "would dad like to hold" the nurse asks foxy "one hundred percent I would" foxy smiles as he takes our newborn out of the nurses arms and sits down on the chair beside the bed.

foxy is in complete awe of her, he stares down at her as she stares back up at him. foxy plants a few kisses on her face which makes me smile "your babygirl is all healthy" the nurse tells us "that's great news thank you" I tell her in response with a smile. before the midwife left she showed me how to breast feed and other kind of things that I would need to know.

"you hungry?" foxy asks me and I nod "yes im starving pushing out a human really does take a tole on your hunger" I joke making him chuckle "theres a Mcdonalds down the road from here do you want that?" foxy suggests "yes please" I say. after telling foxy what I wanted to eat he shoots off leaving me with our baby.

I look down at her while im breastfeeding her admiring her blue eyes "what are we going to call you?"i say smiling at her. Me and foxy haven't agreed on a name yet its quite hard there are so many names out there to choose from. after breastfeeding I burp the baby and lay her on my chest so we can bond and she can fall asleep.

not long after foxy comes back with food thank god. after eating we thought to settle down for the night. foxy tries and make the room dark and cosy as possible which isn't hard the hospital room looks like a posh hotel room.

throughout the night the baby wakes up a few times to be fed but other than that shes a good sleeper. morning comes round quick and I open my eyes and see foxy holding our baby "we need to think of a name for her" I tell him still half asleep "yes we do" foxy says while smiling down at our baby "I think I like the word marina from our list" marina was one of the name we both loved "I agree I do love that name as well it matches her so well" foxy smiles giving marina a kiss on her head. "also my parents are back in the uk and on the way here to see us now" foxy tells me making my eyes widen "oh my god I look a mess!" I freak out trying to get out of bed to make myself look at least decent. "mang don't panic you have just given birth they aint going to care what you look like" foxy tells me as I get up "but I do, let me at least get change and food my hair and throw on some makeup so I don't look a mess" I tell foxy as he nods.

after I get changed into a comfy lounge set, brush my teeth, do my hair and out light makeup I hear marina start to cry because shes probably hungry. I walk out of the bathroom and foxy hands her to me "she wants boobie" foxy jokes as I take her from him and sit down in the big chair that's in the room. after I breastfed her there was a knock on the door and a woman peered her head in "hi son, oh how I missed you!" a elder woman in her mid 50s says coming in followed by a man around about the same age. "I missed you too mum" foxy responds while hugging her back.

I smile and watch foxy greet both of his parents, foxy mum so stunning shes wearing a classy outfits with jewellery and heels all done up. she has mid length brown hair and yellow-golden eyes, I guess that's where foxy gets his eyes from. I notice she looks good for her age she definitely takes good care of her skin and hair and then theres foxys dad styling a shirt with some trousers and paignton black shoes, he also looks good for his age but I can tell he looks a bit older than foxys mum.

after the finish saying hello to each other foxy turns them to me "mum, dad I would like to introduce you to my fiancé mangle and you new granddaughter" foxy gestures to me and I smile "hi its so nice to meet you" I smile as they both come over "oh its so nice to finally meet you mangle, we wished we met sooner but we have been out of the country for almost a year travelling" foxys mum says coming over to give me a hug "yeah nice to meet you mangle im david and this is my wife lucy" david says making me smile.

"oh isn't she beautiful!" foxy mum exclaims as I hand marina to her "she indeed is" I respond "how was labor I hope everything went well" david asks "there was a little bit of trouble she got stuck half way through but the midwife and the nurses sorted it out and everything was fine" I told him and he nodded "yes that's what I love about this hospital its one of the best in the uk" david says.

after lucy was finished holding marina she hands her over to david "we got something for mum and baby" lucy says turning around to grab the few bags that was left on the table "hey what about me?" foxy jokes making his mum tut "you didn't carry marina for nine months straight and go through all the pain to push her out" lucy rolls her eyes at her son which makes me laugh slightly. "here you go" she smiles while handing me the gifts to me.

"thank you" I smile and open marinas gift she got some designer baby outside with a matching hat and socks, a silver baby rattle with a matching dummy " we also brought her a rocking horse that we got from Germany it was hand made but we dropped that off to the house as it was too big to bring her" lucy tells me making me smiles "shes already getting spoilt, thank you" I smile.

I open my present and it was a some baby essentials with some mummy to be self care stuff that by the looks of it costed a lot "you two are to generous thank you so much" I says putting the stuff back into the bag


Foxy x Mangle|| your tiny dancer||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora