£ chapter 37 £

318 9 4

Mangles PoV:

Im sitting at the dinning table eating my breakfast alone because Foxy is at work and won't be home until later this evening.

I finish my breakfast and head upstairs to get in the shower because I'm going to visit my mother. I know Foxy told me not to go on my own but I will be fine. I'm just going to see how she is doing even though she doesn't deserve it because she threw my out so her boyfriend can move in- but I don't forget that's why I'm going to see how she will react to seeing me.

After getting out the shower I get dressed and I'm practically ready to leave. I grab my pair of trainers and put them on before leaving the bedroom.

I've been wearing more comfortable stuff lately because my stomach is getting squished in what I was originally wearing and being more comfortable makes me feel cosy. I grab my car keys and head out the door to my car.

I press the unlock button on my car keys and get in, closing the car door behind me. On the way to the other side of the city I stop off at a smoothie shop to grab me a smoothie for the ride.

I soon later make it to the poorer side of the city where I was brought up, many dangerous shit happens here. I remember as a child hearing things like, burglaries, knife crime and even up to murder happening.

I pull down my mums road and park my car outside the fairly small house that I grew up in. I take a second to look at the house and nothing much has changed only the grass in the front garden is dead.

I get out the car and make sure to lock my car before heading up to my mums house. I feel a little nervous when I reach the front door.

I knock on the door and wait, as I wait I wrap my cardigan around me more because it's a little chilly. All of the sudden the front door opens revealing my mother.

Her eyes widen as she looks at me and see my bump "oh my gawd" she exclaims hearing her strong Brooklyn accent "don't tell me you've got ya self knocked up and you have nowhere to stay?!" She says to me.

"Nice to see you to mum" I say sarcastically walking passed her to get inside and straight away smelling weed.

"What you doing here?!" She asks me still in shock while closing the front door. As I walk into the living room i see her weird looking boyfriend smoking a joint.

"Just came to see how you was doing and to tell you that you're expecting a grandchild very soon" I say turning to her "I'm also engaged" I tell my mum. I show her my ring which makes her gasp at how big the diamond in the ring is.

I move my hand away from her sight because her eyes wont leave my ring. "That must of been cheap"
She says sarcastically as she takes a seat next to her boyfriend who hasn't said one word yet.

I take a seat opposite her "you still working at the club?" My mum asks me "no I left when I started getting to know my fiancé" I tell her as I rub my stomach slightly.

"So, where did you meet this guy?" She asks me with an emotionless face "he came into the club one night and took an interest in me" I tell her which makes her scoff.

I give her a questionable look "what?" I ask my mum "I'm just so surprised that a rich man like him choose you over the many girls he could of chosen in this world" she said horribly as she gestures to my engagement ring on my ring finger.

I blink "excuse me?" I say as I glare at my so called
Mother "I mean are you sure it's his or you just telling him it's his so you can take his money?" my mum questions making me feel angry.

"How dare you, of course it's his baby!" I spit angrily "it better be because you ain't coming here if he finds out it isn't his and throws you out" my mum says making me stand up from the sofa "don't worry, this would be the last place I would go to" I tell her angrily as I start to leave.

I can't believe I even came here expecting a positive reaction from my mum, such a waste of my time. "You've always been a spiteful bitch" I tell my mum before I step outside making sure to slam the door behind me.

I walk down the pathway and towards my car getting in quickly. Why did I even bother to come here?!

I turn on the engine and drive away quickly as possible. I'm fuming at what my mother said to me, who does she think I am?! Some whore? Sorry but I ain't her.

"Let's go home" I say gently to my bump.


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