10. Sword Training and Scars

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1st POV: Tommy

It was early in the morning and we were all downstairs eating breakfast.

Today (F/N) had made pancakes and sent out a bunch of fruit to go along.

We ate and talked about whatever came to mind.

The current discussion was about (F/N)'s 'small' farm.

"No way in hell is that a 'small' farm. That shit is big as hell!"

"I mean, it's not that big to me."

"But you have to admit that it's larger than normal 'small' farms!"

"... sure."

"I swear- wait what?"

"Tommy, my farm isn't big to me because I've gotten used to it already. So call it whatever you want, 'big', 'small', I don't really care."

They shrugged and continued to eat their pancakes.

I shoved my face in my hands and groaned,

"I can't win a discussion with you can I."

(F/N) only laughed at me.

"Nope, it's not gonna happen any time soon Tommy."

They then looked at the clock and looked at me.

"Finish breakfast and gear up, we start training in 10 minutes."

They then walked out to put their now empty plate in the sink.

Tubbo looked at me and gasped,

"You got (F/N) to train you!"

"Yup! (F/N) agreed to help me with my already awesome sword fighting skills."

I puffed out my chest with pride.

"Hehe. I just realised that we're both getting taught by (F/N) in two completely different things. You in sword fighting and me in spell casting."

I looked at Tubbo and laughed a bit,

"Guess, you're right about that!"

We had finished breakfast, so I headed upstairs with Tubbo following me.

"Hey Tubbo, what are you going to be doing while (F/N) and I train?"

"Oh! I'm going to be reading the book that (F/N) gave me. Yesterday they told me that we were going to be switching off every day and morning."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Today you are training in the morning, while I practice in the afternoon. Tomorrow will be the same except I will be practicing in the morning while you train in the afternoon. Get it?"


I already had most of my gear on, and so I finished and began walking out the room,

"See you later Tubbo!"

"See you later Tommy!"

Walking back downstairs and into the backyard I was (F/N) setting everything up.

They had changed into a black short sleeved tunic.

I paused.

(F/N) looked over to me and waved,

"Hey Tommy! Get over here."

I walked over to them and like a dumbass I blurted out,

"Why do you have so many scars on your arms!"

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