23. The Arrival

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2nd POV: You

It took us two weeks for us to arrive at where the tournament was to be held. The people in charge had provided housing for each group since the tournament would be lasting for a week and a half.

You all had gotten there a few hours before the tournament was to start so you had all decided to store everything in its rightful place, and to fashion yourself some clothing.

"Did you seriously get a new mask for this, and do we really need to match for this?"


Surprisingly, you, Phil, and Tubbo were the ones telling the rest that you all had to match.

"Remind me again why we have to match?"

"It's for the aesthetic Wilbur!"

"Yea! Don't you want to have a dramatic entrance and look badass!?"

"... I guess we'll look cool..."

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT TECHNO! Now start getting ready, we have to start heading to the colosseum in a bit."

You were all dressed up in your purple, grey, and gold clothing and you started to head out.

Getting to the entrance, you were all asked for your names. There they had separated the ones participating, from the rest of their groups. There Tommy and Tubbo were guided to the seating section for our group.

There, you were able to scout the other teams.

Most of them looked strong, and as if they had participated before.

You recognized quite a few of them, but feigned ignorance as to not raise too much suspicion.

Phil, Wilbur, and Techno began pointing out some of the 'enemy' teams and explained to you some tactics they could use for some of the games.

Then you were all told to move into your respective rooms.

You were the 'Purple Pandas' so you moved towards your designated purple waiting room.

It was dark for a bit, before the lights turned on and the floor below you moved up.

You looked around you to see the other teams in similar situations.

You were all in the Decision Dome.

This hasn't been your first Tournament, so you knew how things worked around here.

There was an announcer in a booth, who was now telling the audience of each team and who they consisted of.

It took awhile for them to get to your team, but you all remained patients through the process.

After, it was time to decide the first event.

It's showtime.





I am actually very excited because this total arc is going to be like 13 chapters long. 

Also if you are wondering if I'm going to draw out their outfits. 


I absolutely am. 

That is actually the past few chapters have had no art, because I've been designing new clothes for the whole group, including Tommy and Tubbo. 

I've been busy and actually haven't finished them yet, so that is what I have been working on. 

I'll end up finishing them in the middle of the week and probably publish a whole chapter of just their outfits. 

I think that you guys are going to like them. 


At least I hope so-


I hope that you all have a lovely day! 

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