Tubbo & Tommy Description

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Tubbo Description 

Title: Tubbo the Learning

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5' 5"

Age: 16 turning 17

Hybrid Type: ???

Personality: He's very kind to those around him, even people he doesn't really know. Tries his best doing everything and enjoys listening to others ramble about their passions. He sometimes wanders when he's thinking, but it's not intentional. He very much enjoys trying new things because he considers it as a new skill or experience he can reflect on later. He is very righteous and does his best to do what he thinks is right.

Current Interest: Reading books

Current Concern: Not being able to improve his magical abilities

Fun facts: He somehow learned how to read runes, legit no one knows how he managed to teach himself to read runes.


Magic User: He is able to use magic. He's been struggling to properly use his magic, and the teaching he's receiving from Philza is not doing him any good. He's trying his best, but his recent tries are a bit disheartening. He hopes that at some point he will be able to manage his magic better so he'll be able to help the group out more.

Rune Reading: He knows how to read runes. He has no idea that runes are technically a form of magic.

Combat: He knows how to use a dagger and will not hesitate to cut someone if he has to.



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Tommy Description

Title: Tommy the Determined

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Age: 16

Height: 6' 3"

Hybrid Type: Magma Cube

Personality: He's so chaotic it's actually worrying. No but really, he doesn't have much of an impulse control so most of the time he ends up doing things on a whim or because he thought he would look cool or something like that. He is very justice driven and speaks up on what he thinks isn't right, and does his best to try and change the problem. It has gotten him in more trouble than he likes to say, but his heart is always in the right place. He's also very passionate on certain topics (ie. freedom, justice, what he thinks is right, etc.)

Current Interest: Beating Technoblade in a fight

Current Concern: How does he know he's been scammed?

Fun facts: He sprained his wrist trying to become ambidextrous at some point.


Combat: He is currently training under Technoblade in how to properly use a sword in combat. He's past the basics and can actually handle himself pretty well in a fight, but he needs to discipline himself a bit more to get better. He's been doing pretty well and aims to at some point be able to disarm Technoblade. He is also extremely skilled in using a bow and arrow and has very accurate aim, although sometimes if he's nervous it throws him off.


Hybrid Chart: 

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Hybrid Chart: 

Hybrid Chart: 

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Hello again everyone! 

I hope that all of you have had a good week! 

I hope that you enjoy that Tubbo and Tommy have officially been introduced into the story! 

FUN FACT: Philza hasn't adopted either of them. This will server a purpose later. 


Comment & Vote! (I wanna read how ya'll reacted and it keeps me motivated!)

Edit: The drawings are finally finished! I honestly am really happy with how these turned out. o(^▽^)o

Edit# 2: In this world hybrids are actually common. Especially in mages.

Edit # 3: I have added how old they are because it will be important for the future 

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