29. Day 6: Battle Box: The only Acceptable Place to Drop Kick a Child

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2nd POV: You

Yesterday after Rocket Spleef was a bit stressful.

The instant it was over, you and Wilbur had to rush to the infirmary.

Sure, you and the others had gotten slight injuries here and there throughout the whole tournament, but those could easily be fixed with a healing potion or spell.

But you had basically scraped your shoulder on a block from having Philza jump off of your back, and Wilbur unfortunately had slammed backfirst into a block when he was pushed backwards which had caused a bruise to start forming on his back.

So both of you ending up in the infirmary was a given.

You only really needed a bandage to make sure the scrape on your shoulder wouldn't bleed anymore, and Wilbur needed some ointment for the bruise on his back.

When you two got back to the temporary house, Techno basically forced you two to go to bed and rest.

It was nice with how worried he was, but it was a bit annoying when he wouldn't let the both of you do anything but stay in bed.

Philza was absolutely no help because he was just laughing at you two's predicament.

Though the rest did pay off in the end.

The next day all you had to do was head into the infirmary to make sure that you two were cleared to continue participating for the rest of the tournament.

They ended up just giving you two a healing potion and sending you on your way.

So here now you all are in the decision dome, again waiting for the votes to be counted and the next event to be announced.

1st POV: Tommy

Tubbo and I were up in the stands as the announcement was made.

"Today's event will be BATTLE BOX!!!"

I cheered with the rest of the audience before noticing Tubbo looking a bit worried.

"Tubbo, what's wrong?"

"I'm worried about (F/N) and Wilbur. They both got hurt yesterday and had to go to the infirmary. (F/N) even still has their bandage on! What if they're not ready for something as strenuous as this?! What if-"

"They're going to be fine Tubbo. You saw them this morning, they were basically good as new!"

"...I guess you're right, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to worry!"

"Worry all you want! I think they're going to be great out there!"

We both looked back down to see them all in a different waiting area preparing themselves with equipment.

This was going to get good.

1st POV: Technoblade

We were all in a different prep room getting ready for the team versus team battles.

During our prep time we each agreed on what we would be in charge of.

I would be in charge of close combat with the sword, Phil would be in charge of long range shooting with the crossbow, (F/N) would be in charge of healing and harming potions, while Wilbur would be in charge of the wool and shears.

We were gearing up and preparing ourselves for the quick paced fights we would have to face.

We really only had a minute to beat the other team and place the wool in the center, so things were going to be very fun.

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