28. Day 5: Rocket Spleef is Alright I Guess

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1st POV: Tubbo

We were woken up by Philza telling us it was time to eat dinner. We all stretched for a bit before going downstairs.

Getting to the table, Phil served us our portions and we all ate and talked for a bit, but there was one thing that I found strange.

Techno kept glancing at (F/N) while they ate. At first I thought it was a fluke, but I kept noticing that it happened too often.

Looking over at Tommy, he seemed to have also noticed Techno staring at (F/N).

We made eye contact and decided to try and relieve some of the tension by talking to them separately.

Tommy started talking to Techno about fighting techniques, while I started asking (F/N) some questions about the spell they used during the Survival Games.

"Hey (F/N)?"

"Yea Tubbo?"

"Did you really only use one spell when you made the water in the fountain freeze everyone during the Survival Games?"

"Oh! Yes actually, that was only one spell."

"Really! How did you move all the water and freeze it then? Wouldn't that have taken maybe three spells?"

"I just used one spell in more that one way. To transform water can be taken in many different ways, from simply moving it, to making it into steam or ice. It's a bit difficult to get down at first since you want to treat it as a completely separate spell, but after some practice it becomes easier."

"Do you think I'll be able to do that at some point?"

"Of course Tubbo, with the progress you have now you'll be able to do so many things in no time!"

I smiled at the thought.

We continued to talk and tell eachother jokes every once in a while.

I looked back to see Techno and Tommy talking to each other.

Hopefully nothing too bad would happen between (F/N) and Techno.

Time Skip [The Next Day]

1st POV: Philza

We were all waiting in the decision dome once more to wait for the votes to roll in.

This time was different though because the audience was going to be the one to decide the next event.

What the other participants didn't know was that we had a secret weapon.


The instant he knew about the audience takeover, he yelled to the crowd,

"Vote Rocket Spleef!"

Wilbur and I began to laugh because we knew what was going to happen. (F/N) only tilted their head at us and asked,

"What's going to happen?"

"You'll see, you'll see."

And see they did. As the votes were collected, they saw that basically everyone had voted for Rocket Spleef. (F/N) also began to laugh with us as they realised what had happened.

Soon enough we were teleported into a different waiting area.

The difference being that this room had Elytra hung on the walls for us to pick up and use.

Shifting my wings into my back, I made my way to the Elytra.

It was a rule that hybrids were to shift to be as human as possible for most of the events so that they wouldn't give their team an advantage.

I had my wings out for most of the tournament, but they allowed for me to have them out since I only had them in their smallest form. I really only had to now fold them in completely because it would be uncomfortable to have them out with the Elytra on.

After putting on my own Elytra, I looked over to see Wilbur having some problems securing his own.

I was about to go and help him but (F/N) got to him before I could.

I watched as (F/N) playfully mocked him, and Wilbur lightly yelled at them. They laughed and talked while (F/N) secured the Elytra on him.

Wilbur and (F/N) had been getting closer lately. Before and during the tournament.

They even talked as if they were old friends.

It was nice to see them getting along.

After we all had our Elytra on, we were ready for the next event.

We were only given a 5 second count down when the floor beneath us disappeared, and we were forced to fly.

Mostly everyone was disoriented from the sudden fall, except for the few who were some type of winged hybrid, which in reality was only me and a few others.

Surprisingly enough, (F/N) seemed to be one of the few who wasn't disoriented.


I thought it was a fluke at first, but for the rest of the rounds they seemed to be able to maneuver the skies so naturally.

We never really did ask them if they were a hybrid did we?

Hopefully I would remember to ask them after everything.

Soon enough we were at the final round.

Things were getting risky, and stakes were getting higher as the need to win began to overtake people.

The countdown began and we were all once again in the air.

I maneuvered myself to a better position and managed to get myself onto higher ground.

A few people had already fallen into the void and were out, but only a few.

At this point most people had better strategies for staying in the game longer and earning their team more points.

There were a few struggles here and there, but things so far were going smoothly.

That was until the block under me was destroyed.

I had just boosted myself up and had no other means to fly back up.

Not only that but there were no other blocks under me.

This was it for me.

I was fully prepared to fall into the void and be put out of the game.

That was until I heard a yell from under me.


I looked to see (F/N) taking a running start and fly over to where I was most likely to fall. 

Seeing what they wanted me to do, I positioned myself so that I would be falling feet first.

In the last second, I boosted myself up off of their back, becoming airborne and managing to find another block to land on.

I looked back down to see (F/N) barely lifting themselves up from one of the lowest blocks in the sky.

They barely managed to get themselves up before looking up at me and giving me a thumbs up.

I sighed in relief and continued on with the event.

In the end, I was the last one standing.

I had managed to keep the high ground throughout the whole event.

Maybe the next event won't be as taxing or stressful as this one.

I hate everything
I am currently publishing this from my phone since my computer is not available at the moment, so my phone will have to do :]
I hope that all of you have been doing well and taking care of yourselves.
You are important
You matter
Have a good day!

Comment & Vote! (I live for your comments and it makes me smile when you put your theories and reactions to the book ^-^)

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