8. Floating Books

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1st POV: Tubbo

(F/N) handed me the book that I was reading yesterday and began to explain what the runes meant.

"As you know, runes are both magic and a writing in a way. Each rune is corresponding with a letter in the normal alphabet, and not only that but each rune has its own meaning that can be interpreted in different ways to cast a spell in different ways. For example,"

They drew another rune on the paper, this one being the same one they used yesterday to carry the books and watermelon inside, the weird 'H' with the slanted middle line.

"Hagalaz, it stands for the letter 'H', hail, storms, and air. Yesterday I used this rune to levitate the books and watermelon slices into the air, but it can do different things depending on what you want to happen."

(F/N) drew the rune again on 3 separate different papers.

"As I explained a bit earlier, Hagalaz means air. Air is something that can be used in many different ways like levitating objects, general breezes, or even jets of air to blow things away. All you have to do is think of what you want to happen."

They then stuck one of the papers to a chair and tapped it, causing it to float.

They tapped the second paper and it turned into a light breeze as (F/N) made it pass through me and Tommy.

They then grabbed the last piece of paper and stuck it against their hand, tapped the paper with their other hand, and pointed it at Tommy causing a small jet of air to blow into his face.

"It really only takes a few tries and some creative thinking, but I have faith that you can do this! I'll just teach you the runes that you need to send the message and then I can teach you some more."

With a newfound sense of determination in mind, I looked at (F/N) and firmly stated,

"Okay, where do we start!"

They seemed a bit surprised, but nodded at my words,

"The runes you need to learn about are Hagalaz, Mannaz, Radiō, and Algiz. We'll start with Hagalaz because I just showed you that one."

So then began the explanations of the rest of the runes.

Before we actually started, Tommy had actually left us to go explore the rest of the backyard and because 'I can't slack off my sword training'.

So now it was just me and (F/N) in the room.

They had explained what every single rune did, and what each rune did to contribute in casting the spell.

Hagalaz was already explained to me, but (F/N) did make sure to tell me what it was for.

"Hagalaz is so that when you cast the spell, the message will basically be able to travel like air."

That made sense.

Then I learned about the other runes.

Mannaz stands for the letter 'M', man, human, and self. It would help hold the message said by a person, me and Tommy.

Radiō stands for the letter 'R', horse, ride, and journey. This rune is basically the most important one because it ensures that the message will go through the journey of being delivered to the receiver, Philza, Wilbur, or Techno. 

The last one, Algiz, stands for the letter 'Z', shield, protection, and elk. It makes sure that the message wouldn't be interfered with during its journey.

It was really interesting to me how each rune contributed a small part to cast just one spell.

Yet even if those runes contributed just a small part, they were still essential.

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