41. Lessons in Gardening

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1st POV: Philza

"(Y/N). (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!"

I wandered the house trying to look for (Y/N).

I hadn't seen them since yesterday afternoon.

Where could they have gone?

I walked into the kitchen again to see Techno leaning on the counter drinking coffee and looking over the recent Hypixel forums.

"Hey, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?"

"(Y/N)? What do you need them for?"

"I just wanted to ask them if they wanted to maybe come along to the market with me."

"I think I heard them mention something about waking up early for gardening or something like that. So you might want to check in the backyard garden to see if they're there."

I thanked him and proceeded to walk towards the back door.

As I walked outside I took in the view.

The place was beautiful.

There were trees outlining the outskirts of the property.

A river split through and led to a pond area that was filled with life.

I turned my attention from the pond, to instead the person in the fields tending to the wheat.

It was (Y/N).

They worked in the field.

Basket of wheat on their back and a sickle in hand.

They would gently cut the wheat from the ground, tie the bunch with a string, and then place that bunch into the basket.

I watched as they continued this process for a few moments before they looked up and waved at me.

I waved back and began to make my way towards them.

It looked like they had been working for a few hours with the amount of wheat baskets they had collected.

I stood next to them as they continued to finish collecting the wheat from that row.

"You know you can always make it grow faster instead of waiting for it to grow every single time."

They spared me no glance at my statement.

Just continued to collect wheat.

Placing it in baskets with care.

I stood by them awkwardly, waiting for them to finish.

But eventually they responded.

"You see this wheat right here?"

I looked at them and saw that they were pointing at a wheat straw.

It looked more green than the rest that were around it.

"It's clearly not matured yet, but that's alright, things like this take time. They will mature in their own time to be ready as everyone else, all they need is a bit of nurture and help to keep going."

They stood up and signaled to all the other garden plants around them.

"Everything here just needs time and nurturing, and that's just fine. I'm willing to put in the time for it."

They looked back at me and smiled.

"What did you need from me?"

I let out the breath I was holding and smiled back at them.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the market with me today, but I think I'd rather stay here and learn a bit more from you."



How has all of y'all's day been? 

This chapter is clearly shorter than the others, but I like it that way. 

I wanted this chapter to more expand on Philza and the character he sort of portrays in the DSMP and this book. 

He clearly doesn't have the best mindset about parenthood and all that it comes with, and so this chapter could be viewed as him learning from (Y/N). 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it none-the-less. 

Have a good day! 

Eat a snack! 

Drink some water!

Take a nap!



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