Chapter 8 - Brawl in the Disco

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Chapter 8 – Brawl in the Disco

Friday, May 13, 2022
Chuck's Bar and Pub
Channelview, TX

That night, Mills had arranged to treat Chili at the bar, while Dodson just drank and checked out the girls working in the pub. Dustin arranged and had a laptop play disco music from the 1970s and 1980s, on his own personalized and hacked Spotify™ station, called Disco Fever. There was no DJ, as the facility had that portion automated via artificial intelligence, implemented at the bar on Christmas 2021. Using his smartphone, he'd send hacker code to change the songs once every two minutes. All seemed to be well, as he danced with the other dancers, soon, he also got Chili, Mills and Dodson to start dancing with him. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Feeling exhausted, Chili decided to go sit down, and signaled a nearby waitress. The waitress then revealed to have a gun hidden in her apron, tossed it to Chili.

"YAAAAAASSSSS!" said Dustin and Mills.

"ARRGHHH!" screamed Chili and drew his gun to them.

Dustin then suddenly looked at the girl he was dancing with, and pulled off her wig, covering her actual blonde hair. Under the wig, was his pistol, he swung to aim the pistol at Chili and quickly fired two bullets at him.

"Augh!" gasped Chili in pain as he fell to the ground dying.

All of Chili's men suddenly drew their guns as Dodson fled the scene. Dustin shot three men, as well as Mills. While using his fists to incapacitate the other goons, throwing the tables and chairs at the goons. One goon then grabbed Mills at gunpoint.

"Dustin!" said Mills.

Dustin then ran towards Mills, jumped, and began to slide on his knees. Mills threw his revolver at him, Dustin caught the revolver, went under their legs, and shot the goon in his back. The goon released Mills, gasped in pain, and fell.

"YES! We did it!" said Dustin. "Both us!"

"We did indeed!" said Mills, and they both hugged in victory.

Suddenly, Dustin heard gunfire, and Mills gasped. Dustin looked forward and saw Sgt. Jake Lewis with his four officers working under him. He had shot at Mills in his back. Mills collapsed as he took his last breaths then died. Dustin looked in anger as tears shed his eyes. He then got up and looked at Lewis, then began to walk towards him. With anger and tears he continued to walk towards Sgt. Lewis.

"Lewis, you probably didn't cry as much as you came into this world. But now you will cry leaving it!" said Dustin, then he kicked the gun out of Lewis' hand and started punching him hard.

"WHY DID YOU KILL EDDY MILLS! MY BOSS! WHY!" said Dustin in rage.

The other two policemen and two policewomen with Lewis grabbed Dustin and held him back. Lewis then began to beat Dustin senseless.

"Arrest him!" ordered Lewis.

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