Chapter 30 - Manor Brawl

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Chapter 30 – Manor Brawl

Saturday, May 8, 2026
Salazar's manor
The Woodlands, TX

Dodson, no doubt was surprised to see Dustin. Him and Salazar, both were struck in awe. Dustin then got up, with the pistol in his hand, and faced it up. He then looked at both Dodson and Salazar. Then walked towards them, humming an old song.

"Only God knows, Dodson. Whether I'm finished tonight, or not. But Dodson? You're for sure, finished!" exclaimed Dustin, then pretended he was going to squeeze him in the junk.

They both then began to giggle, as if Dustin was joking. Then Dustin aimed and fired the pistol at Dodson's forehead. Dodson fell back on the chair, gasped then just died on the spot. Then Dustin pointed the gun at Salazar.

"You did the right thing, Dustin!" said Salazar. "The very right thing! This bastard got what he deserved. I knew you were hiding and listening to our conversations. So, I played this act. You don't believe me? The captain is still on the phone, you can talk to him, just talk to him! HA!"

Salazar then knocked the gun, out of Dustin's hand. Then he took out a large dagger, and sliced it across Dustin's face, leaving a deep scratch. Dustin then knocked the dagger out of his hand. The two men fought, and Dustin grabbed a large vase, smashed it on Salazar, who was surprisingly headstrong. Then Salazar pushed Dustin under a glass table. Dustin then quickly got out from under the table, grabbed the glass top, and smashed it on Salazar's head. The glass then broke hard on impact, making Salazar bleed. Then he kicked Dustin back, then made a break to the elevator. Upon reaching the elevator, he closed the door and hit the button to the basement. But Dustin, summoned his strength and pried open the elevator doors, which caused the elevator to stop two floors below the floor they were on. Salazar hit the elevator buttons to no avail.

"SALAZAR!" shouted Dustin, then he jumped, grabbed the elevator strand, but not before putting on a spare pair of disposable leather gloves, to avoid scraping and burning his hands.

He slid down, until he burst through the roof of the elevator. Then he started beating Salazar senseless. Salazar tried to fight back, but being injured severely on his head, wasn't any help to him, thus a great advantage for Dustin. Meanwhile, guards in the basement were cracking jokes when gunfire came from the elevator. The guards ran to the elevator. Out fell Dustin to the ground, with a pistol on him. Salazar stood still against the back wall.

"Salazar?" said a guard, as they ran to see the situation.

"Salazar? You okay, boss?" said another guard.

"No, he's dead!" said Dustin, who was playing dead, then he shot the three guards.

The guards fell down, Dustin then got up to rush to Jones Orphanhood Academy, before it was too late.

Felons with Innocent LooksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz