Chapter 31 - Saving the Orphanage

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Chapter 31 – Saving the Orphanage

Saturday, May 8, 2026
Jones Orphanhood Academy (K to 10)

Cordina Lane, Houston, TX

No sooner after killing Dodson and Salazar, did Dustin race back towards the orphanage. The thugs hired by Salazar, set their charges around the vicinity. Each bomb was placed strategically, in a good location.

After placing each charge, consisting of weapons-grade TNT and nitroglycerin, did the men get ready to blow up the orphanage and the area around it. Thereby, demolishing everything on Cordina Lane. They signaled the captain stationed at the detonator, to set off the explosives. However, before the captain to set off the detonator, Dustin, who arrived in the nick of time, fired his pistol at the captain from behind. The bullet hit the captain in his back. The other members of the hired crew, ran to set off the other bombs, but Dustin kept firing, killing the other crew members. The noise of gunshots and men screaming in pain, woke up everyone in the orphanage. Mitchell, Katy and the orphans, including the Brute Force Gang ran outside to witness the commotion.

Then another member of the surviving demolition crew, tossed an active grenade towards Mitchell, Katy and the kids. Dustin quickly jumped in the path of the grenade, caught it before it touched the ground, and threw it back towards the men, and their large truck. The grenade landed near the men and the truck and exploded. Thus, killing the last of the men, and blowing up the truck. Dustin and Mitchell exchanged glances and smiled at one another in relief.

Suddenly, a large 2023 Houston Police Department Ford Explorer SUV, blaring its red-blue signature police lights. Along with two 2023 HPD Chevrolet Camaro sedans, started coming in view. Lt. Jake Lewis, driving the Explorer started firing his AK-47 at Dustin, everyone quickly ducked. Dustin fired at Lewis and ran for it, as Lewis continued to spray bullets from that AK-47. He then went to hide in the small church, near the orphanage. It was then he saw, he ran out of bullets.

A few surveillance police drones, as well as delivery drones flew above the area. Then Lewis parked his car, signaled his team to do the same. He exited the vehicle, still wielding the machine gun, and headed towards the church, with anger and hatred in his eyes.

"By God, today he will not be spared!" said Lewis, with heavy breaths.

Everyone in the Brute Force Gang, and all the orphanage kids ran in front of the church, stopping the police from going inside. They all spread their arms out, joining hands. They were unwilling to move.

"The police will not enter the church!" said Erica.

"You'll hide thieves in the church, give refuge to criminals, then let alone the police, the military will enter the church! The military!" roared Lewis, then pointed and held the AK-47 at her neck. "Bitch, you are a Jew, aren't you? Why should you care about a church?"

Erica then glared. "So, what if I am? Am I not human? You know religion, all I know is that I'll give up my life to save Dustin Coleman!"

"Yes, we all will give our lives!" said Alex.

"Yes, we all will give our lives!" said the rest of the orphans.

Dustin just took deep breaths, as he hid in the church and eavesdropped on their conversations.

"Don't expect mercy from me!" Lewis continued to roar. "I abhor the word 'mercy'! Counting of dead bodies, holds no meaning for me! Understand?"

"You're not telling us anything new about yourself, Lewis!" said Mitchell, to which Lewis turned around. "Just remember one thing, if you fire a shot today, then there will be a war, a war in which either I survive or not, you definitely won't!"

"If you love these bastards so much, then hand over Dustin Coleman to me!" demanded Lewis. "Whether you survive or don't, but tonight, Dustin Coleman won't!"

Dustin then sighed of defeat.

"Alright, then." Mitchell responded. "I'm bringing Dustin outside."

The orphans were shocked hearing this, so was Katy. Mitchell then entered the church and walked closer to Dustin. Dustin just stayed hidden.

"Dustin, it's over. Let's go." Mitchell said, then Dustin sighed again.

"You know what, man?" said Dustin. "Before you came inside, I also felt, it's all over. Let's go."

The two men then walked out of the church.

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