Chapter 21 - Grand Happening

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Chapter 21 – Grand Happening
Thursday, April 16, 2026
Jones Orphanhood Academy (K to 10)
Cordina Lane, Houston, TX
It felt good to be back with the crew after being released. Obviously, Dustin knew he would be released from jail, when Salazar and Dodson found out, he had taken the evidence they'd use to keep themselves from being arrested. Dustin decided to use the money he gained from Salazar, wither rightfully or wrongfully to host a potluck in the area.
Everyone gathered up, and attended the event. So did Mitchell and Katy. The food consisted of donut, pizza, sodas and other confectionery. Katy was amazed at the décor. Why wouldn't she be? Dustin spent a good $8,000 for that party.
"So, what is the occasion of such a party?" inquired Mitchell. "And how did you become so rich?"
"I'm celebrating my newfound wealth and job." Dustin said. "So, I arranged this party. Doing business nowadays."
"What exactly is it, you do?" said Mitchell. "How is it profitable?"
Dustin shrugged. "Not much, just working in work like pharmaceuticals. Quite profitable too."
"That's really amazing. I didn't think there was a lot of money in it." Katy expressed.

Of course, Dustin was concealing the actual reason where the money came from. He wasn't going to tell the truth for being involved in criminal activities. Unbeknownst to him, Salazar and Dodson were secretly plotting ways to eliminate him from their world of crime.

Meanwhile at Salazar's residence...
Salazar was no doubt outraged that Dustin was in possession of the material, containing evidence against him, Dodson and even Lewis. While he was bent on recovering that evidence and killing Dustin, he knew he couldn't do so without risking Dustin handing the evidence over to the law.
"We can't just let him keep that shit to blackmail us with, Salazar!" said Dodson. "We must take some kind of action!"
"Patience, Dodson!" shouted Salazar. "We mustn't act in haste. If he does rat us out to the law, we will be arrested and put away for life."
"Then, what do we do?"
"Just give it time, we will have this done our way, soon enough."

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