Chapter 35 - Elegy

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Chapter 35 – Elegy

Monday, May 24, 2026
Houston Central Jail
Houston, TX

The day had finally come at 2:00 in the afternoon, Dustin was slated to be executed via lethal injection. He was getting shaved, as he wanted to 'look good'. The shaver accidentally may have been a little heavy-handed with the razor, as Dustin scolded him, for feeling a little pain.

"Hey, man! Take it easy! They said to give me a lethal injection, not cut me to death. Come on, do it easy. I'm government property, now." Dustin said, with a smile.

He then took a long shower, and smiled about it, knowing it would be his last time ever taking a bath. He enjoyed every drop of water and enjoyed it even more. Pretty soon, the time had come to go to the death chamber.

"Alright, everyone! Adieu!" announced Dustin. "I'll see you guys! Take care Jones, old man used to snore very loud! Hey, Johnson! I'll say hi up there, to your mom for you! Yo! Don't cry! Y'all will join me soon!"

The other prisoners were amazed to see Dustin eager to be executed. The officers then escorted him. Also, present at the city jail was Mitchell, and the orphanage kids. They were chatting among themselves. As they noticed Dustin coming in, they began to cheer for him. Mitchell, however, did not feel any excitement in this.

"Hey, how are you little rascals?" cheered Dustin in Glee, then told the officers. "They're my boys and girls!"

"Long live, Dustin Coleman! Long live, Dustin Coleman! Long live, Dustin Coleman!" cheered the kids.

"Yeah, chant on! Long live!" agreed Dustin. "My kids! Long live indeed! See you then!"

Mitchell then turned to Dustin, and Dustin then looked at him. Mitchell only showed despair in his eyes. Mitchell came to notice that, thereby began to show a little consideration for what he asked him for earlier. It was decided that he would honor Mitchell's request. The orphanage teens continued to chant. The officer then nudged Dustin to proceed, and Dustin then changed his expression.

"Hey, let go!" suddenly Dustin began to sound scared.

"Move!" said the officer.

"Hey, let go! I said let go!" repeated Dustin, and the kids began to stop chanting for him.

"Keep going!" said the officer.

"Leave me! I said leave me! Hey, leave me!" shouted Dustin. "Let me go! LET ME GO! Hey, let me go! Hey, Mitchell please! Please save me I'm scared!"

Dustin really did seem to plead for his life. One by one, the kids took of their red bandanas, a sign of following Dustin and his corrupt criminal ways. They continued to stare at Dustin, as he pleaded to be saved.

"Mitchell, death is very dark, very dark! Please save me! I'll listen to everything you say, I'll walk the straight path! PLEASE, MITCHELL! SAVE ME! MITCHELL!"

The officers then dragged Dustin away, to the death chamber. The Brute Force Gang and all the orphanage kids begin to cry more. Alex then spoke up!

"He said, he'd die smiling! You cowardly rat!"

As soon as they reached the death chamber, Dustin then stood up, and spoke to the officers.

"You can let me go now!" said Dustin. "This was my style! Let's do it."

Dustin then eagerly climbed into the bed, where the lethal injection, was going to be administered to him. He smiled, as the prison nurses strapped him, and inserted the needles in his arms and legs. It was long after that, when he felt the chemicals and drugs, enter his veins. Still he continued to smile, as he remembered every single memory from birth until now. His pulse began to faint even more, his heart then ceased to beat and his pupils began to widen, despite being a bright room. Within five minutes, Dustin Coleman was dead!

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