Chapter 3 - Inspecting the Goods

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Chapter 3 – Inspecting the Goods

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Shipment freight yard
Cordina Lane, Houston, TX

The train yard had many trains stationed there, waiting to be shipped out with new goods, which included but not limited to money, gold, jewelry and whatever was being shipped out. Numerous signs were posted across the yard, saying, 'KEEP OUT! AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY!'. The train yard was fairly old, and had been around about twenty years, still was operating. The hours of operation were nine in the morning to five in the afternoon, every Monday to Friday and ten to four on Saturday, with Sundays off.

Dustin and Mitchell walked across the freight yard, but kept it low, knowing there is a possibility of security guards patrolling the vicinity. They then came across a train which had its hatch opened. The two boys stopped in their tracks when they noticed the hatch open. Dustin seemed eager to inspect inside it.

"What do you say? Let's check it out?" inquired Dustin.

"Sure, why not?" replied Mitchell. "Let's try not to stay in here too long."

"No issues." Dustin assured. "We'll just check the place and leave."

They got inside to check out the contents in the train car, closing the hatch while they were at it. It was a bunch of alcohol bottles, along with some hi-tech guns. Probably worth millions too. The boys were amazed.

"We can get in trouble for this!" said Mitchell, feeling stress.

"I like Katy a lot! I ain't gonna lie." Dustin said in response.

"Me too, man!" said Mitchell, which infuriated Dustin.

"Hey, you lay off her!" exclaimed Dustin. "I asked my gods for her, first!"

With that, Dustin shoved Mitchell, not that he wanted to hurt him. Then Mitchell getting startled yelped out as he fell back and hit one of the boxes, which cause all boxes to fall to the floor. The wooden crates on impact made a loud noise. The noise spread past the stalled train and alerted a nearby security guard. The guard surprised by what he heard, took out his whistle and blew it loud three times.

"Hide!" said Mitchell.

The two boys then hid behind the boxes. Meanwhile in a nearby police car, there lied a ruthless cop. Senior Officer Jake Lewis, of the Houston Police Department. Born in 1986, and joining the police force in 2009, in his last year in college, having majored in Criminal Justice, the young man however grew up to adopt corrupt habits, and unfortunately, it followed him into the force too! Recently was promoted to senior officer. He got up out of his car, after supposedly napping inside it. After hearing the whistling, he removed the newspaper off his head and got out to see what was going on.

"Goons!" Officer Lewis spoke in disgust.

Then him and the security guard opened the hatch of the train and looked to see what was inside.

"Mitchell, run!" shouted Dustin.

The boys made a break for it and ran to escape the freight yard. Mitchell then tripped. Dustin ran back to help him, got him back to his feet and they ran. Mitchell jumped over the fence, but Dustin however got caught by Lewis.

"Dustin!" shouted Mitchell.

"Forget about me, run!" said Dustin.

Later, Dustin was taken into custody at the local police station. Lewis showed no mercy and brutally whipped Dustin. Dustin, however, didn't cry nor did he feel much pain.

"Who was that boy with you?" inquired Lewis in the jail cell. "Who was he? Speak up, pig!"

Dustin spat on him.

"Asshole!" shouted Lewis and beat him more.

Sometime later that night, Mitchell visited Dustin in jail.

"What happened to you, Dustin?" said Mitchell. "Why these bruises?"

"That's what they feed us in jail, they beat us up!" said Dustin. "I didn't want to reveal who you were."

"Why did you not speak up, instead you took all these thrashings for me?" asked Mitchell concerned.

"Because that's who I am. Live smiling, die smiling. Never to fear death!" said Dustin.

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