Chapter 4 - Escaping the Juvenile Home

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Chapter 4 – Escaping the Juvenile Home

Friday, May 6, 2011
Cordina Juvenile Detention Center
Cordina Lane, Houston, TX

The Harris County Judge sentenced Dustin to serve in a juvenile detention facility, not far from the city jail. Although he wasn't twelve just yet, the judge felt it was only reasonable, since he was near the age to go to juvie. He eventually arrived at the detention facility, and within no time got familiar with the other juvenile delinquents residing there. Some time later, a fellow delinquent showed Dustin something outside the window.

"Look, he is that guy, John Dodson!" said Harold, the delinquent. "He is seventeen. Like you he was in juvie but escaped four years ago, and since then had been working for Eddy Mills, the local drug lord. He travels around town in taxis doing his errands."

"What?" said Dustin. "No one catches or arrests him?"

"Who'd want to die?" added Harold. "Mills would kill any cop or law enforcement who dares to get involved."

"How did Mills escape?" asked Dustin.

Two hours later...

The smoke alarms suddenly began to blare as soon as the area began to smoke up. Everyone in the building began to panic. A fire raged on in the maintenance area of the building. Dustin had started the fire. A nearby truck carrying mulch and soil parked near the juvenile detention center, and Dustin ran on the roof, jumped off the edge, and landed in the truck bed carrying the mulch. He then jumped out of the truck and ran away from the area.

Back at Wells and Lyle Foster Care, Mitchell was going to his next class. Suddenly, a mysterious arm grabbed him from nowhere. It was Dustin! He then walked Mitchell to the stairs.

"Dustin!" said Mitchell, in surprise. "You're okay?"

"Yeah, man!" said Dustin. "I escaped."

"What if they find you here?"

"Nah, they won't! What about Katy?"

"She's gone!"

"Gone where?"

"Her uncle sent her to a boarding school, says he won't be able to look after her always, so he wants her well-educated, and be with someone who's rich or suitable for her, at least."

"I'll work hard to be rich!"


"You'll see!"

Dustin decided to find work, although he was only eleven. What better way to find work, than to seek Eddy Mills, right?

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