Ch. 12: Virginity

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I followed through with my plans and told the Cullens about my gift.

"What? No! That's not fair! Why am I the only one who doesn't get babies?!" Rosalie shrieked, crushing a lamp and the side table under it with one crushing blow. I winced, pulling Renesmee's shaking form closer to myself.

I don't blame her, not in the slightest.

"Rose, stop, stop. Shh, that's it, that's it..." Emmett calmed her.

"Rose, you didn't let me finish. I can bite one person, just one, and if I intend to, they'll get my power after an about hour of transformation burns, and they'll only be able to have one child. I can't do it now, I have to be ready to use the powers myself first." I explained. Rosalie looked overjoyed.

"So, what you're saying is sometime in the near future, I could have a baby?" Rosalie said excitedly.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." I agreed. "In 2 or 3 years at the least." I estimated.

Edward seemed perfectly calm through all of this-in fact, I thought I saw his eyes gleam with happiness when I said I could have children.

Renesmee, on the other hand, was not outwardly calm. She was ecstatic, squealing and shrieking and giggling with delight at the idea of a sibling, and knowing her, her thoughts were dominated with ideas of a little sister.

After a few hours of questions, we went home. Renesmee didn't wait any longer.

"Momma I want a sister I need a sister please!" Nessie begged, making the please sound like exactly 8 syllables.

"How soon do you want her?" I asked, absentmindedly playing with a bronze lock of my baby's hair.

"Um... maybe a year?" Renesmee said questioningly.

"Well, maybe I can do that." I told her. Nessie grinned. "I said maybe," I reminded her, but nothing could mess up her high.

"A year, hmm?" Edward asked once Renesmee was asleep.

"I said maybe." I repeated, curling my fingers into his hair.

"Not a no, Love. not a no." Edward purred seductively.

"Maybe, it's now a yes." I crooned. and just like that, because of a flirty mood, I lost my virginity.

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