Ch. 17: -As Bright As The Morning Sun-

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After the Ceremony, something else began. I met the Denali, who all seemed to like me, and was introduced to the father of Edward's ex-wife, who had come to see Nessie be a bridesmaid, at Edward's invitation.

"Er-Hello, Mr. Swan." I said respectfully.

"Call me Charlie." He said, just as awkward. I wrapped my middle and pointer fingers together with each other, a nervous habit from when I was human.

"Okay, Charlie, you're Isabella's dad, right?" I asked.

"Yep, and Nessie's Grandpa." He added.

"I hope our relationship won't always be awkward, despite the circumstances," Was how I finished off that decreasingly uncomfortable conversation. Charlie seemed like a nice guy, and it really was a pity we'd met under the circumstances we did.

"You handled that well." Edward complimented, when I found him talking to Rose, Ana, and Emmett.

"I would've done it better than that if you'd told me before today you invited your ex's father to our Wedding," I hissed, somewhat annoyed - but of course he kissed me then, so that didn't last.

"Shh. Renesmee's coming," Edward warned me, and sure enough our Baby came wandering towards us.

"Momma, you put me in your Vows," She said happily, smiling.

"I had to, Sweetheart." I smiled, and leaned down to kiss her forehead, and brush back her freely-hanging bronze hair.

"No, you didn't!" Renesmee insisted, her smile taking on a beautiful shine I'd seen in only one person's face before. Yes, she had her father's generous and humble traits, and I wouldn't have either of them any other way.

"Go find Jacob - He's definitely itching to see you."

"No need." I heard a very smug-sounding voice from behind me.

"Jake!" Nessie giggled running to him.

"Nessie, Alice will still throw one of her temper tantrums on you if you mess up your dress," I reminded her, to which she backed out of Jacob's arms, fixed her dress, and stood holding his hand instead.

"Alice tantrums are that bad? She's tiny!" Jacob protested.

"That's why it's so horrifying." I shuddered at the thought. I love Alice, but oh God are her tantrums scary.

"I can't picture it." Jacob said, confused still.

"You're lucky." Nessie and I say together, and then we smiled at each other. Apparently, I've rubbed off on her, too, maybe as much as Edward had.

Nessie touched her warm hand to my cheek, and her message was meant for both her parents:

You're married now, so when do I get my sister?

A sharp gasp made its way up my throat. Edward was much smoother than me.

"I don't know, Baby." He said honestly, although I had a sneaking suspicion he wanted her sooner rather than later.

"It might be years, it might be months, it might be decades." I added.

"Months." Renesmee said, and she sounded so sure that I believed her for a second before remembering our situation, and how she could only do that since she was Edward's daughter - a trait that could and would do both good and bad for us.

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll know later, Jacob." Nessie said, her voice holding a tone of finality that Jacob didn't dare argue against.

Yep, she had my bad traits too, namely my temper.

"What happened to sweet and innocent Nessie?" Jacob hissed at us once said Dhampir left.

"Nothing. She's still there, just grown up." I said, smiling.

"I don't see it." He grumbled, glaring at Edward and I as we walked away to the banquet, there for the benefit of guests like Charlie - who thankfully didn't drink red wine, so that was actually animal blood, and the people drinking it would smell it to figure out what animal it was from.

"It's mostly mountain lion," I said almost accusingly, as Edward had set up the blood section of the food.

"A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do." He said, shrugging. I slapped him playfully on the arm, and he caught my hand and held it in his, taking it to his lips and kissing it gently. I couldn't help smiling, and I would've blushed if I could - he did that to me, always and forever.

Speeches then began, and my once-peaceful wedding fell to absolute chaos.

"First of all, Addie, you are my little sister, because I am older than Edward and you are younger than him." Emmett.

"I have never been more grateful for any other woman who came into my life - And I said woman, not child, Nessie." Rosalie.

"I consider her a daughter, love her as such, and I know I always will." Carlisle.

"She is my baby girl, as much as any of the children I adopted or the granddaughter I was blessed with." Esme.

"She is finally a sister who tolerates my shopping addiction, and goes with me when I want her to, always." Alice.

"There's a lot to say about Adelina - not all of it good, but all of it is her." Jasper.

"She was, for a long time, my only family - Now the Cullens are my family too. Seeing her happy is like a dream for me, and I know it will remain that way, as long as I live." Anastasia.

"I love her. She's my mother, and I know in my soul she loves me as much as I love her, and that we were fated to meet from the start." Renesmee.

"Dela has been someone I love for years now, since I was a baby. I married before her, and I don't regret that, because that was how I got Renesmee, but I will never love anyone as much as I love her, in the same way that I do. I know that if she rejected me, it would kill me - and I know she never, ever will." My Husband.

"That was beautiful." I told Edward, my hand in his.

"It was all true, Love. Every word." He whispered in my ear.

I think the first Dance was the best part of the night. I forgot for the second time we were not alone here.

I think I only remembered when the music changed, and Nessie came over to us.

"Oh, come on!" She groaned. "I don't wanna see my parents kiss!"

"Sweetheart, you're at our wedding." I laughed.

"I don't care."

Grumpy child.

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