Ch. 37: The Hunt

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In the days after we first met with the Denalis, countless other vampires, both red- and golden-eyes, flocked to the Cullen family home home, met Emmett, Rosalie and Ayden, and decided to stay and fight for our family. Meanwhile, Edward, the Denali coven and I threw ourselves into our work finding Harriet and her daughter Kira, and maybe Ivan, Hera and their daughter Anya too. Edward and I, of course, also took breaks to care for Luna, who was growing too slow and too fast all at once.

"Aren't you a hungry little thing?" I hummed during one such break, breastfeeding my little Angel. Her platinum blonde curls were now growing in more golden, and I ran my fingers through their silky softness.

"She's so content," Edward said with wonder, standing behind me and looking over my shoulder.

"Of course she is," I said, smiling sadly. "She doesn't know not to be." My chest hurt at the thought of something happening to my little girl, especially now, while she's still so small.

"Do you want another baby?" Edward asked suddenly. "If this all turns out well, and we get the chance?"

I paused, mulling it over. "I always imagined having more than two, I think. And I would like a little boy, to see how different it is from having her." Luna unlatched and began to fuss, so I moved to burp her.

"What would you name him?"

"Edward Theodore Cullen." I didn't even need to think on it. "I would've named Luna that, if she were a boy. Edward for you and your father, but we'd all call him Teddy, or maybe Theo."

"Our little bear." Edward smiled. "Renesmee Carlie, Luna Elizabeth and Edward Theodore."

He met Luna's green eyes over my shoulder. She grinned, revealing something that made me gasp aloud.

"Oh my god," I moved her into a cradle and pulled down her bottom lip to reveal a white line on her bottom set of gums. "She's teething."

"Nessie teethed when she was hardly a day old, you know." Edward reminded me, asking with his eyes to take the baby. I obliged, and he kissed her head before continuing. "We're lucky to have had this long."

"I know, but.."

"You miss her being a tiny little baby." He nodded. "I do too."

Suddenly, Tanya burst into the room.

"We've found them."

"Who?" Edward asked, clutching our baby tighter as he asked the question.

"Ivan and Hera." Eleazar said.

"And Anya." Carmen added. "She and her father, Ivan, are both fully-grown versions of the children like Luna, and Hera had Anya like Rosalie had Ayden."

"Not to mention that they likely know where Harriet and Kira are located." Tanya added, pulling control of the situation back to herself as coven leader.

"Where do you think they are?" I leaned forward as I asked the question.

"Athens, Greece." Kate pointed to a spot on the map spread over the kitchen table. "Hera and Anya's place of origin."

"And contact?" Edward asked, meeting Tanya's eyes.

"I'm going to meet them as soon as I can book a flight to Europe." Kate said. "Garett and I will ask if they'll help, and if they can, we think that the three of you should come down."

Edward asked me with his eyes if I think it's a good idea. He left the final decision up to me

I took a deep breath, looking in my Luna's bright green eyes. She smiled, showing me the tiny tooth coming in and reminding me why we're fighting in the first place.

"Let's go."

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