Ch. 36: The Half-Human

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Renesmee Cullen sat in silence in the bedroom she'd been given, looking at a book.

It was one of Aro Volturi's journals. He'd done research on human-vampire hybrids after he discovered her existence-their existence. Though she hated him, Nessie also had to admit he knew more about her kind than she did.

She also searched for something that could stop him from coming for her cousin and her sister.

They were entirely innocent, she knew, but nobody listened, and Isabella hit her if she tried to tell anyone anyway.

She sort of understood where the source of her hatred was. Her biological mother had never been the most attentive, frequently passing her off on her Aunt Rose or her imprinter. But it wasn't until her grandmother - her mother's mother - died in a freak car crash, and they discovered she had been pregnant with her aunt or uncle, that Isabella really changed. She took her anger out on her child and destroyed her bonds with hers and her husband's entire family in the process.

When she'd left, no matter how badly she'd wanted Isabella gone, Nessie still felt a hole where her mother had once been. Not for losing her horrors, but for losing the moments of love and kindness. No matter how hard her family tried, nobody could really fill it. They attempted to help, but they never understood the wrongdoings well enough to really do anything about the traumas she'd endured. Plus, they'd loved her, too, so it was hard to imagine even though they tried.

Her father had loved both of them most. After Isabella left, he had realized his mistakes and became a far more present figure in his daughter's life, almost filling the hole Isabella had created. But he had loved his first wife, and he was unable to fully separate the kind girl she had once been from the monster she had become.

That all changed when Adelina had come. She was Edward's first love, the one who had always held a piece of his heart, and she healed the bonds Isabella had broken. She was a sister to Emmett and Jasper and Rosalie and Alice, a daughter to Esme and Carlisle, a perfect wife to Edward.

But most of all, she had become Renesmee's mother.

If Addie had been with her daughter in more than just spirit, at that very moment, Nessie knew that she would've been poring over the crisp pages of leather-bound volumes beside her daughter, searching for anything and everything that could help them. In fact, in her mind's eye, that was exactly what she believed she was doing.

Yes, Dela was most likely searching for allies in the upcoming battle, trying to find aid for both of her little girls.

Nessie caught the tear trailing down her porcelain cheek half a second before it fell onto the old, fragile paper.

"I miss you, Momma."

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