Ch. 3: Pain

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Dela p.o.v.

"Edward. How do you know this coven?" I asked him.

"Its leader changed me when I was on the verge of death. He saved my life." He paused, considering something.

"Yes?" I inquired.

"What happened to you?"

It was sunset, and dinner was being eaten in the Snow household. Luna Snow was quiet, Anastasia Snow was deeply bored, Arthur Snow was occupied scolding undeserving maids, and Adelina Snow merely existed, consumed by grief her loved ones had long gotten through

Suddenly, a long chain of alarm bells shrieked. The family looked up, and chaos overcame the household. 

pale man and woman entered. They both chases after one of the adults as seventeen-year-old Adelina and fifteen-year-old Anastasia ran, their mother's screams echoing in their minds. The woman found Ana, and the man took Addie and bit  into the flesh where her shoulder met her neck. a

A burning pain came. It clouded Adelina's vision, blurred her senses, and boiled her blood.

Desperately, Adelina grasped for anything, anything she could find. Her hand found a lit candelabra, and she threw it at her attacker. He ran, and the woman followed. Dela crawled towards Ana, who was still alive with a bite on her wrist.

The elder sister curled up next to her only living family before passing out.

"I didn't know what I was about to become. I didn't know I would soon be like the pair who killed my parents. I knew I was alive, my little sister was alive, and that we would have each other." I finished. Edward looked shocked and horrified, but I was absorbed in the memories of that horrible day. March 18, 1919.

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