Ch. 35: The Granddaughters

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I smoothed the blanket covering my daughter one last time, and climbed into the backseat of Edward's car. This was the beginning of our drive to the Denalis, and I was hesitant to leave my daughter in the carseat for that long.

I would be sitting in the back with her, but it still wasn't an appealing thought. Embry was in the front with Edward, while everyone else took separate cars. We would all be gathering witnesses, while Rosalie and Emmett stayed behind to greet those who hadn't seen one of the babies yet.

As soon as the vehicle started moving, Luna was wailing. She had always preferred to see what was in front of her, and this scared her beyond her wits.

"Shh, my love." I stroked her hair back from her head as she grabbed my finger tightly. I murmured to her in a garble of different languages. My mother had done it for me, and it had apparently soothed my smaller self beyond measure.

"Is she okay?" Embry looked back at me anxiously.

"If she wasn't, I'd be able to tell. Never doubt a mother's senses when it comes to her children." I met his eye for a moment, then put my focus back on the baby.

I played with her for a moment longer, keeping her calm, until we arrived at the Denali lair.

"Embry, stay in the car with her. We don't want to startle them too much." He nodded at my orders, and I climbed out, entwining Edward's fingers with my own.

"Edward. Adelina." Tanya nodded at us, confusion evident on her face. "What brings you here?"

"And with a damned wolf in your car?" Garett's nose scrunched up.

"It's a long story." I said quietly. "A very long story."

"Then tell it." Carmen beckoned us into the house, her warm Latina accent bleeding into her speech.

"I'd prefer we do it out here." My husband intercepted, moving his arm around my waist.

"Holy shit." Garett commented, eyes blown wide as he stared at Embry, now standing just behind us with Luna in his arms.

"That's an accurate way to put it," I agreed, slipping my daughter from the werewolf's arms and holding her against my torso.

"So you're looking for Grandmother Harriet." Kate smiled. "I don't know where exactly she is, but I'd be glad to help you find her."

"We all will. We will find her, and we will protect your Luna and Ayden." Tanya proclaimed.

"Thank you." I bowed my head. "Thank you so very much."

"We're family, Adelina." Eleazar reminded me.

"And anyway, I would love to spend more time with this little one." Carmen held her arms out, and I gladly slipped Luna into them.

Maybe things weren't so dull after all.

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