Ch. 16: As True As The Stars In The Sky-

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Nerves made me want to tremble, though of course my vampiric grace didn't allow it.

Nerves made me want to tremble, though of course my vampiric grace didn't allow it

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Today was my wedding, and emotions were soaring high. Poor Jasper must be suffering.

"Momma!" I heard Nessie say. She ran in, followed by Rose and Ana, who had taken it upon themselves to care for her. Nessie froze, gasping.

"You look amazing. I wish I was as pretty as you," She said in awe.

"Oh, Renesmee, you're prettier." I assured her, smoothing the nonexistent wrinkles in her dress.

" I assured her, smoothing the nonexistent wrinkles in her dress

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"Maid of honor pretty?"

"Steal the show pretty." I smiled. My little girl was going to be my maid of honor, in her matching dress to the others. She was beautiful, and I knew Edward would be seething at the thought of Jacob seeing her today. if anything was capable of ruining his day, that would be it.

"Can I come in?" Jacob asked from outside the door.

"Are you Edward?" I asked him, sounding like I didn't know.

"Jake!" Nessie tried to jump into his arms, to which all of us women screamed "NO!" Alice explained it would mess up her dress, so they hugged instead.

"Addie, here." Ana tucked a single, perfectly blossoming snow white rose on my head, tucked behind my ear, highlighting my hair, which was in an intricate bun. We weren't doing anything with jewels or using a veil, because Edward and I agreed that tradition dated back to a time when women needed to hide, and that wasn't what we wanted today.

The only old tradition was the Wedding poem. My something old was the material wrapping around my bouquet, which had been my mother's; my something new was the white rose; my something borrowed were my shoes, actually Rosalie's; my something blue was the blue-green ribbon tying my bouquet in place.

"Okay, do we have the order down? Renesmee will go first, followed by Ana, Rose and me in that order, and then Carlisle will walk Dela down the isle, where the ceremony will start." Alice directed, arranging the other girls in a line. "Jacob, go down to the ceremony. You'll be with Seth, Leah, Quil and Embry in the second row." She added, ushering him out. The music, played  by Carmen Denali, started, and Renesmee clutched her flowers and began her graceful walk down the isle. She smiled beautifully, and then it begun.

Anastasia followed her, her smile not at all marred by nervousness, her every move beautiful.


"You don't have to do this, Carlisle," I murmured, turning around to face him.

"No. I want to," He said, with a smile on his face.

Rosalie left, then Alice, and finally it was my turn.

"Are you ready?"

"Since I was a month old," I smiled: I was a month old when we were betrothed.

"Here comes the bride," I sang softly under my breath, as the music changed almost flawlessly. "All dressed in white," I squeezed my flowers slightly tighter, the nerves slowly evading, as I approached. Of course, then they all faded away in a second.

Edward looked beautiful. No, perfect. He looked perfect in his tuxedo, his hair lazily done, yet his smile so devoted. I smiled wider, too, in response. I saw Renesmee to the side, her happy grin making her seem almost giddy, and Ana, whose soft smile was the face of someone knowing this was right, had been right for a century, would be right for a thousand more.

As I reached the alter, I inhaled slowly. Perfect, yes, but stressful nonetheless.

Nessie took my bouquet as well as her own, her grin changing into a reassuring smile, as she sensed my nerves.

Edward took my hands in his, and the much-anticipated moments began.

"Since the day I met you, I have loved you, Adelina Scarlet Snow. I loved you through all the times I thought you were gone, and suppressed it for a long time. I swear to you with all that I am, I will never suppress it again. I promise I will love and protect you, that I will keep you happy, and I hope that we can finally begin our forever, my Lover." Edward vowed, and though the world could hear, the absolute love and devotion in his eyes was all for me.

I took a deep breath, and then began.

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, I've known you all my life, even when we were apart. I've loved you all my life, even if it wasn't always the way that brought me down this isle and to this alter. I will never regret coming here to Forks. I will never regret finding your daughter, because she led me to you. I hope you both will let me call her ours, and I hope we will share our lives, the same way we have, and the same way I will, always and forever." I recited the vows I'd written carefully over our time as fiance and fiancee, the time that was ending as I spoke.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

That kiss was something different. We'd shared soft, gentle kisses before, but none like this. This time, I didn't only feel my own joy, but the smile shaping his lips. I recognized that he shared the same delight I did, and always had, I had just never known.

Nothing would ever be the same, yet everything was as familiar as the sun.

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