I was wrong

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Today would be tiring, Jungkook thought the moment he opened the door and saw his friends by the doorstep.

"We're here" They said, to which Jungkook didn't reply. He, went back to his room, without a word.

"What's with the silent treatment, huh?" Taehyung spoke out, his voice full of sarcasm.

"He probably is sorry for whatever he did" Namjoon replied.

"Scratch that! He should feel sorry" Everyone stepped in, after Yoongi said that.

"Why are you... Sulking?"

There wasn't any answer to it.

"Are you listening?" Jin sighed, and sat close to the younger.

Rubbing his back, Jin continued.

"So, if you feel sorry, then don't you think you should go get him back and apologize?"

"That's... That's better that sitting here, not giving us something good to eat.. You know?" Jimin said, earning a slap on the arm from Taehyung.

And, Jungkook just happened to glare at them.

He looked at Jin and said, "But he doesn't even want to see me. And, I don't know where he probably is!"

"Did you speak to him?" Namjoon sighed when he heard Jungkook answer him in the negatives.

When the others were deep in thinking about what could be done, the youngest put his head down.

"I wish I could turn back time"

He tried to fight back his tears.

"I.. Thought he was someone who was just with me for.. m-money" Jungkook said. "I thought he was like that one girl I used to like a long time back"

Not being able to keep it in any longer, he happened to burst into tears.

"I thought he doesn't love me"

"I was wrong"

All of them couldn't bear watching Jungkook like this.

"If you get him back do you promise you'd not hurt him?" Yoongi asked.

"I won't. I promise. I- I love him" The boy wiped his tears.

And, the room fell silent all over again.

That was until Yoongi decided to continue speaking, stuttering.

"I know where he is!"


A/N : Eggies/Engenes, stream "Given-Taken"!! :)

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