Part 43

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Malcom has been gone for weeks now and I miss him. I bought a ticket to Canada and both Jackie and I were going since both our boyfriends are back home.

We finally arrived and Mariano came to pick us up. He was going to drop me off at his house. As soon as we got there I immediately took everything out of the car and I walked to the door.

I knocked on the door and I see both Sunny and Malcom at the door. My face went from "😃" to "🙃". This is why I didn't want to do long distance in the first place.

I didn't say a single word. I dropped his present and I grabbed my things, then walked away. I could hear his footsteps behind me until he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

Malcom: Priscilla you don't understand

Priscilla: No I get it, this is why I didn't want to do long distance in the first place!

Malcom: Priscilla please-

I could smell weed from a distance. He was high.

Priscilla: No Malcom I'm done with your bullshit, we've been though many fights and we even told each other we would be fine if we ever did long distance. I can't even trust you anymore.

Malcom: she just came to visit me

Priscilla: bullshit, then why was she in Your shorts, and in a bra and her hair was messy as fuck

Malcom: because-

Priscilla: you know what FUCK YOU! I'm done with your ass!

I can't believe I just said that.

I just ran off with my things. Thank god the hotel was nearby so I could relax. I walked to the bathroom in the lobby to clean myself up.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked disgusting. I cleaned myself up and I texted Jackie to ask her what our room number is.

"Room 402"

I walked to the elevator and I went up to the room. I knocked on the door and Jackie opened it.

Jackie: Oh baby what's wrong

I couldn't hold it in.

Priscilla: *sobs* We just broke up

Jackie: Oh my god.

She gives me a hug. I just cried into her shirt and ugh it was miserable.

Mariano: Hey is-

I looked up at him.

Mariano: Oh-

He came up to me and hugged me. I jumped onto my bed and I just stood there.

Priscilla: Jackie I think I'm going to buy a ticket back home

Jackie: Priscilla, are you sure?

Priscilla: I mean yeah there's no use for me to be here at all. And besides I need a break.

Jackie: Do you want us to come?

Priscilla: No you spend time with Mar I think I'll just be by myself for this one.

She gives me a hug again and I take out my phone and purchase the ticket. I decided that I was going to New York instead of being in California.

Priscilla: I leave in a couple hours

Jackie: Just text me when you get there ok?

Priscilla: yeah


A couple hours pass by and I was now on my flight back to New York. As soon as we landed I called Nate to pick me up, he came within 10 minutes and there he was with his girlfriend.

Priscilla: Hi

I gave the two a hug, then we got into his van. We drove straight to the cemetery. I wanted to go visit my grandparents.

Priscilla: Thanks Nate

I get out of the Van and I walk inside the cemetery. I go to my grandparents grave and I sit there.

Priscilla: Hi guys.

I talked to them for about an hour. People thought I was crazy since I was talking to their grave but to me it felt like they were here.

Security: Excuse me but were closing now

Priscilla: Oh I'm sorry

I got up and I kissed my hand and I placed it on the tombstone. I walked out of the cemetery with my things and I decided to go back to Times Square.

I walked into a hotel that was by Times Square it was like 10 minutes away. I checked in and I purchased a room. I walked inside and it was perfect.

I heard my phone ring and I saw that it was him calling me. I decided to just turn off my phone and enjoy the time by myself.

There was a hot tub in the room so I turned it on and I turned on the TV and played some "bad bunny".

Priscilla: YO PERREO SOLA!

I screamed the lyrics out loud. I heard the door knock and I quickly turned off the TV and I grabbed a robe from the bathroom and I put it on.

I opened the door and there was a guy and a girl at the door.

Priscilla: I'm sorry about the music and yelling

??: You're good but can you quiet down a bit?

Priscilla: Yeah sure

I closed the door and I decided to clean up. I changed to my pajamas. I laid down on the bed and I fell asleep.

I woke up at 3:11 AM. I had a dream about Malcom. Did I really do a good job? Or did I mess up? I don't know.

Let's just hope I get better.


Hi everyone!

I know I posted late but I hope you all had a great weekend! We're already in December what the fuck why is it going so fucking fast😭💀

𝒴o𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹♥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon