Part 13

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Priscilla's POV.

Its the next morning and I am going to Ontario today.

I heard my alarm ring and it was 4:30 in the morning.

I turned it off and I get up and get ready for the day. I put on a black crop top with black biker shorts. I did my hair in a bun and I wore no makeup for today.

I put on my black hightop Vans, then I grab my luggage and I walk to the living room.

I walked over to the kitchen and I ate breakfast. I had Pancakes with oranges.

After I ate breakfast, I quickly brushed my teeth, then I head out the apartment and I go in an Uber to the airport.

My flight wasn't until 6 so I had 30 minutes to get to the gate. I ran all the way there and I was able to get there on time.

I board the plane and I was now going to Ontario.


The flight wasn't as bad. I got some sleep on the flight.

I got here around 1 PM. I got out of the airport and I was now going to Malcom's house.

As soon as I got there. I took my stuff out of the Uber and I ran to the door.

I knocked on the door and some tall guy, I guess it was his dad, answered the door.

??: May I help you?

Priscilla: Sorry to ask but is Malcom home?

??: And you are?

Priscilla: Just tell him someone is here to see him

??: *shouts* Malcom! Come to the door there's some girl out here!

Priscilla: Thank you

He walks away and I wait outside the door. Malcom looks at me shocked. He walks out the door and closes it.

Malcom: Babe what are you doing here?

Priscilla: What the hell happened?

Malcom: Look I know you're mad at me and- I cut him off

Priscilla: I'm not mad

Malcom: Really?

Priscilla: Of course I am! You made me worry so much about you and you had to make the others lie to me!

Malcom: I know and I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this

He had a bruise on his cheek and a couple on his chest.

Priscilla: Why Malcom, why did you fight them?

Malcom: Because I had no other choice Priscilla

Priscilla: You didn't have to

Malcom: I didn't want them to hurt you

Priscilla: Wait what?

Malcom: The guys I fought wanted to kill you so I had to fight them and make a deal

Priscilla: But my question is why didn't you want to tell me

Malcom: Because I didn't want you to worry too much about me

Priscilla: Well I was worried and I'm just upset how you had to make the group lie to me, just so I wouldn't see you

Malcom: I'm so sorry, Can I take you out for lunch?

I gave him a hug and he hugs me back.

Priscilla: Yeah I would like that

Malcom: Come inside, so you can meet my family

Priscilla: Are you sure? I mean I look ratchet right now

Malcom: I don't care, you look beautiful now come on

We walked inside and he took me to the dinning room where both his mom and dad were in.

Malcom: Mama, dad this is my girlfriend Priscilla

Priscilla: Nice to meet you

Malcom's dad: Girlfriend? Since when?

Priscilla: a month

Malcom's mom: Well nice to meet you Priscilla

Malcom's dad: Nice to meet you Priscilla, sorry about what happened earlier

Priscilla: It's okay

Malcom: Well we're going to go out so I'll see you two later

Malcom's mom: Be careful you two

Malcom: We will

We walk out of the house and we go in his garage and take a car. I sit down in the passenger seat and Malcom was in the drivers seat. We go to a chipotle that was 20 minutes away. 

We arrived at Chipotle, then we walked in and we ordered. After Malcom paid we sat down outside since it was a pretty sunny day.

Malcom: Can you stay for a bit longer?

Priscilla: I wish but you know I have to visit my grandparents

Malcom: Then these 3 days have to be great

Priscilla: You show me around then 

Malcom: I will

We finished eating. We got up and threw our trash away. We walked out of the restaurant and we walked around the city. We went to this tall building that looked like Seattles tower. 

We walked in and we went inside an elevator. There was about 147 floors in the building. We stopped on the last floor and the view was incredible.

Priscilla: Holy Shit this is just like---

Malcom & Priscilla: Our first hangout

We both laughed.

Priscilla: Instead it's just Canada's view

Malcom: We should come back here to watch the sunset one day

Priscilla: What about Sunday?

Malcom: Yeah 

We stayed at in the Tower for about half an hour. It was now 3 PM and we were walking back to the car and we were going back to his place.

Malcom: Did my dad say something to you earlier?

Priscilla: He was just confused why there was a girl at his door

Malcom: I'm sorry Mama, I never told him about our relationship or my mom

Priscilla: It's ok, besides that's what we kind of did to tell my grandparents 

Malcom: I promise you they will love you

Priscilla: I hope so

We get to his house. He parks the car in the garage and we get out of his car. We walked in the house hand in hand and we hear music playing in the living room.

We both walked to the living room and his parents were dancing to the music. 

Malcom's mom: Come here!

She grabs my hand and we started to dance. I looked at Malcom and he started to smile. I liked his family they were really nice.

I had an ok day today. I was just glad that Malcom and I are in good terms and still a couple :)

𝒴o𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora