Part 4

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Priscilla's POV.

It's the next day and a lot was happening.

I woke up and I heard a bunch of yelling. I walked out of my room and I walked to Mariano's room.

Mariano's room was dark and he had a sweater and sweats on.

Priscilla: Mar is everything alright?

Mariano: Devyn and I broke up

Priscilla: I'm so sorry Mariano

Mariano: It's fine, you shouldn't worry about me

Priscilla: You're like my brother of course I care about you

Mariano: She doesn't even want to be friends anymore

Priscilla: I'm so sorry

He gives me a hug. I let go of the hug and I walk back to my room and I turn on my phone. I let it sit for a couple of seconds, then my phone started buzzing with a bunch of notifications.

"Devyn unfollowed you"

I was confused. I didn't do anything. I went on twitter and almost the whole group was backslashing her.

I walked downstairs and I saw the group in different places.

Priscilla: Peyton!

Peyton: Yeah?

Priscilla: Can you explain whats going on with the devyn thing

Peyton: She left us for another house without telling us which is so rude and she didn't even say goodbye

Priscilla: Wow that's...

Kiera: I know she shouldn't have took the offer in the first place

Priscilla: I just started getting to know her, then she leaves

Kiera: She's fake anyways

Priscilla: Woah Kiera relax, We shouldn't talk about anyone like that

Kiera: Why don't you join her group then?

Priscilla: Excuse me?

Peyton: Kiera!

Kiera: Sorry Priscilla I'm just mad that she had to leave and she had to cause more drama and supposedly her sister got involved

Priscilla: Let's just calm down

Addy: I can't believe this is happening

I walked to Mar's room. And his room was still dark. I wanted to cheer him up and take him out, I ordered an Uber for us and it was now 8 minutes away.

Priscilla: Mariano get up!

Mariano: Priscilla you know I'm not in a good state right now

Priscilla: Just get your ass up our ride is on our way

Mariano: Where are we going?

Priscilla: You'll see now hurry up and change!

Mariano: Ok I'll get ready

I walk out of his room and I wait outside his door.

Malcom: Now where are you going? In your pajamas?

I looked down and I totally forgot I was still in Pajamas. I ran to my room and I changed to a black sports bra and boyfriend jeans with black shoes. I did my hair in a messy low bun and I wore no makeup since we were kind of in a rush.

𝒴o𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹♥حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن