Part 28

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Priscilla's POV.

It's been a couple days after the party.

I woke up and I saw Malcom asleep next to me. I got up and I checked my phone. It was 12 PM.

I got a message from Jackie.

"Can we meet up at Canes in 20 minutes?"

I text her back "yes". I got up and I got ready. I walked to the bathroom and I took a shower. I changed to a dark blue long sleeve dress with white air forces. I did my hair in a low bun and I left 2 small strands of hair out. I did a light look of makeup and that's it.

I walked out of my room and I walked downstairs. I walked out the door as soon as the uber arrived.

I got in and I was now going to Canes. I paid the driver as soon as I arrived.

I walked into Canes and I saw her with food in front and on her phone.

Priscilla: Hey

I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. We let go of the hug and I sat in front of her and I started to eat.

Priscilla: So what's up?

Jackie: I wanted you to be the first person I tell about the news.

Priscilla: Ok I'm listening. Tell me!

Jackie: Mariano and I are going out.

Priscilla: Jackie that's great!

I was happy for her and for Mariano as well.

Jackie: Really you're not surprised or anything.

Priscilla: I'm happy for you guys. I feel like you two would be an amazing couple

Jackie: Thanks Priscilla, oh also were going to Disney this afternoon and I was wondering if you wanted to come.

Priscilla: I would love to come, also can I bring my niece?

Jackie: Yes! I want to meet her.

Priscilla: Thanks Jackie.

Jackie: No problem :)

We finished eating and we went back to the house. I decided to go to Isidora's. I knocked on the door and Caleb answered the door.

Priscilla: Hey Caleb

Caleb: Hey Priscilla, How you been?

Priscilla: I've been good, listen um I was wondering, can I take Daniela to Disney with me?

Caleb: Sure, but let me ask Isidora. Come in

I walked in and I sat down on the couch. I waited for like 3 minutes and Caleb came back.

Caleb: I'll pack her things then you two can go

He walks away again. Daniela comes running down the hall and she hugs me.


Priscilla: Yeah

Daniela: Thank you!

Priscilla: You're welcome.

Caleb hands me her bags. I grab Daniela's hand and we walked out the door.

Caleb: *Shouts* Take care of her!

Priscilla: I will

We walked back to the house. I saw Jackie and Mar getting into her car.

Priscilla: We're here! Jackie this is Daniela, Daniela this is Jackie and Mariano, you remember him right?

Daniela: Hi

Jackie: She is so cute!!!

Daniela: Thank you

We all get in Jackie's car and we go to Disney. We got there about an hour later, we all got out of the car and we walked to the entrance.

I paid for Daniela and I's tickets. We got our own wristbands and we walked in.

Jackie: Where should we go first?

Daniela: Let's go to the Toy Story 3D ride!

Mariano: sounds good

Priscilla: Alright.

We walk to the ride and we go to the fast pass line. We walked in and we sat down on the chairs, it was Daniela and I in the front and Jackie and Mariano in the far back.

The ride was now starting. Daniela and I put on our 3D glasses and the ride was moving.

We started to laugh and yell at the same time.

At the end of the ride we got out and we looked at the screen with the scores in it.

Daniela: I WON!

Jackie: Congratulations Daniela

Daniela: Never mess with me!

We got out of the location and we decided to leave Jackie and Mariano alone.

Daniela and I decided to go to the Toy Story roller coaster. I thought Daniela wouldn't want to go but she begged me, so I took her with me.

We went on the ride and we screamed almost the whole time which was pretty funny. After the ride we started to get hungry, so we ate at the "Carnation Cafe" restaurant. I got myself Fried chicken and so did Daniela. For desert we shared am Ice cream sundae which was pretty good.

We finished eating and we decided to go take pictures by the disney castle. While we were taking pictures both Mickey and Minnie mouse came out and we asked the two for a picture. I took the picture for Daniela and I sent it to her mom.

Daniela: Can I see?!

Priscilla: Sure!

I showed her the pictures and her smile was bright just like the sun. 

We met up with Mariano and Jackie around 5 PM. We walked back to Jackie's car and we were now going back home.

As soon as we got back I walked with Daniela back to her house. I saw her dad open the door and she ran to her dad and hugged him, before she went back inside she ran back to me and gave me a tight hug.

Daniela: Thank you so much Tia Priscilla (Aunt)

Priscilla: You're welcome

She let go of the hug and ran home.

What an amazing day. 


I am so sorry for uploading late. School has got me sooooo fucked up honestly. I am planning on posting on the weekends instead so I'll see you all next weekend. I love you and have an amazing week everyone <3

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