Part 21

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Priscilla's POV.

It's been a couple months since I've been to New York. Today I was going back with Isidora and her family. It's October, meaning it was cold in New York.

Malcom was staying home.

I was now packed. I was now at the airport with Isidora and her family.

Isidora: Do you think our parents would be there?

Priscilla: I hope not

Isidora: Let's just hope they aren't there. I don't want Daniela to meet them


Our flight was now boarding. I text Malcom a red heart and I was now getting on the plane.

We got to New York at 3 PM. We left California around 9 AM.

We walked to the exit and I saw Nate waiting for us. I walked up to him and I gave him a hug.

Priscilla: Nate this is my sister...

Isidora: Hi I'm Isidora, this is my husband Caleb and my daughter Daniela

Nate: Nice to meet you. I'm Nate one of the workers from the bakery.

Daniela: What kind of cookies do you have?

Priscilla: You'll see

We all walked to the Bakery's van and we were on the way to the bakery.

As soon as we got there I grabbed my luggage and I walked in.

Workers: Priscilla!

Jacqueline came over to me and as soon as she saw Isidora her eyes began to water.

Jacqueline: I can't believe it's really you.

Isidora: Jacqueline!

Jacqueline: You still remember me?!

Isidora: Of course I do, you were my best friend in the bakery

Jacqueline: And who's this little one (she says kneeling down to Daniela)

Isidora: This is my daughter Daniela, and the guy that's coming in is my husband Caleb.

Jacqueline: I can't believe it! You have a daughter! She looks just like you

Daniela: Thank you, now can I have a cookie mama?

Isidora: Why don't you ask mrs.Jacqueline

Daniela: Can I have a cookie, Pleaseee

Jacqueline: *chuckles* of course you can. Go pick one out.

Daniela runs to the back and she gets out a bunch of cookies.

Priscilla: So how's the bakery?

Nate: Not as great. We're getting less orders now that the two are gone

Priscilla: Are you serious

Jacqueline: Yes. But we are trying to sell some outside of Times Square

Priscilla: So we can get more customers?

Jacqueline: And this weeks paycheck for the bakery came in.

Priscilla: Let me see

Isidora: I think I should see it, since you guys want me to own the place might as well see the check

Jacqueline hands the check to Isidora. She looks at it and her eyes open wide.

Isidora: I don't know how I'm going to handle this

𝒴o𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹♥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz