Part 11

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Priscilla's POV.

Everyone was going home to visit their families. I was currently at the airport with Malcom and Mariano. We were in the security area.

They were going back to Canada on the same flight. I was going alone to New York for 2 weeks. It's probably going to be the toughest two weeks without the group together.

"Flight 345 to Ontario is now able to board"

Mariano: Lets go man

I looked at Malcom. I first gave Mariano a hug.

Mariano: Take care

Priscilla: You too

I let go of the hug, then Mariano stepped a bit back and he let Malcom and I have some time alone.

Malcom: Have a safe flight ok?

I gave him a tight hug. He hugged me back for a while.

Priscilla: Promise me you'll FaceTime me tonight?

Malcom: I will

Mariano: Sorry to ruin your moment you guys but Malcom we gotta go

I look at Malcom and he kissed me out of surprise and we let go at the same time.

Priscilla: Bye guys

Malcom: Bye

Mariano: Bye

The two walk away. I wave goodbye from far and the two walk away. My flight was in two hours so I still had time to spare.

All I did was just walk around for an hour. I already went through security and everything. I am now on the plane getting ready for the flight...

6 hours later..

The flight wasn't as bad. The only thing was there was a rude ass child who kept on kicking the seat.

I finally got out of the plane and I was on my way to baggage claim. I got my stuff and I was now walking to the exit.

I walked out and I didn't see my grandparents anywhere. I got out my phone and I called my Grandma.

Priscilla: Hello? Avó? (Grandma)

Grandma: Priscilla?

Priscilla: Where are you? *I said looking around.*

Grandma: We are still busy in the bakery I sent one of my workers his name is Nate

Priscilla: Can you tell me how he looks like?

Grandma: Go to the gift shop and he'll be there

Priscilla: Okay see you soon

I end the call and I walk to the gift shop. I looked around and there was only a family in there. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and I saw a guy he was about 6' foot with brown hair and green eyes, he seemed like an older guy.

??: You must be Priscilla, I'm Nate

Priscilla: You're the guy from the bakery right?

Nate: Yeah your grandma had a couple more orders so she sent me to get you

Priscilla: Oh

Nate: let me help you take these to my car

He takes my suitcase from my hand.

Priscilla: Thanks

Nate: No problem

We walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He put my stuff in the back, then he sat down next to me and started to drive.

𝒴o𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin