Part 54

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Jackie, Malcom, Mariano, and I were on our way back to Jackie and I's apartment. We're still pretty jet lagged from our flight. We get to our apartment and I unlocked the door.

Mariano: So now what?

Priscilla: I'm going to shower and I need to relax

Jackie: So do I

I walked to my room and I closed the door. I go to the bathroom and I take a nice warm shower. I then changed to a nice comfy pair of pajamas. I walked out of my room and the boys were asleep on the couch. I put a blanket on top of them then I walked to the kitchen to get me a snack.

Jackie: *whispers* I'll order us food

Priscilla: Yeah sounds good

I go back to my room and I go on my phone for a bit. I get a text from Isidora asking me if I was home.


Hey Priscilla are you at home?-Isidora


Can I come over for a bit I want you to meet someone- Isidora

I have some guests over but maybe I can go tonight if that's ok?-Priscilla

Fine but let me know when-Isidora

I turn off my phone as I hear the door knock. I go to the kitchen and I wash my hands while Jackie opens the door.

Jackie: I bought us some Chipotle

Priscilla: Thanks

I get my food and I sit down at the dining table. Mariano was starting to wake up.

Jackie: Hey

Mariano: What's all this?

Priscilla: Food

Mariano: Jackie I'm going home but I'll Facetime you later ok?

Jackie: Alright

Jackie and Mariano walk out the door while I was eating. I looked over at Malcom and he was still asleep.

Jackie walked in and she continues to eat her food.

Priscilla: Want to go with me to Isidora's later?

Jackie: Yeah I'll go


A couple hours pass by and we were already on Isidora's doorsteps. I knocked on the door and this random guy opened the door.

???: Oh Priscilla que surpresa, olha como você é grande (Oh Priscilla what a surprise, look how big you are)

Priscilla: Obrigada? (Thanks?)

Isidora: Priscilla this is our uncle Jao from Brazil

Priscilla: Wait? Mom's brother?

Isidora: Yup, come in

Malcom, Jackie, and I sat on the couch.

Uncle: Eu comprei alguns presentes para você (I bought you some gifts)

Priscilla: Obrigado também quero apresentá-lo a alguém, Este é meu namorado Malcom e este é meu melhor amiga Jackie (Thank you also I wanted to introduce you to someone, this is my boyfriend Malcom and my best friend Jackie)

Malcom and Jackie just waved.

Priscilla: Isi quick question he doesn't speak english right?

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