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Author's Note: This chapter is... the calm before the storm? With an extra dip of Veau!

Everyone stared at the unexpected guest among them, their expressions a mixture of emotions. Xue placed his hand on his forehead, sighing in frustration before he tossed Veau’s arm away and grabbed his drink. 

He took one big gulp, slamming the drink down on his table. 

“Ah! It’s you!” Haru pointed at Veau, chuckling a little. “The weird partner that proclaims himself as the devil! And the creator of dark magic!” 

K’xug walked towards Xue, putting his hand on Xue’s shoulder. 

Xue shook his head, sighing as he waved K’xug off. 

Veau pointed to himself, still smiling. “It is a fact.” 

“He’s weird, right? Who goes around calling themselves the devil?” Haru laughed, looking at his comrades. “If he is the devil, then I am the Supreme God from the legends himself!” 

Veau and Xue looked at Haru with raised eyebrows. 

K’xug snorted. 

Cecil widened her eyes at Haru. 

If there’s one thing in common among the self-proclaimed pirate crew…

It’s how gutsy they are. 

Cecil felt a drop of sweat sliding down her face. 

Yun rolled his eyes at his captain, sipping at his drink. 

“There he goes again,” Kiyae gulped down her drink. “Just watch him laugh proudly next.” 

True to Kiyae’s words, Haru placed his hands on his hips, throwing his head back as he guffawed proudly. 

“Bow down before me, you peasants! Hahaha!” 

Kiyae mimicked those same words being said with her mouth, shrugging as she gulped down her drink once more.

Meanwhile, Shin was staring at Veau the entire time, a dubious look in his midnight black eyes. 

Xue frowned at Haru’s words. 

Those were words he would never say. 

Kai: “This Haru fella...he’s got guts.” 

Zasiok: “He’s annoying.” 

Leonaut: “For someone so annoying, he has many connections.” 

Alric: “Ye-yes, renting out an entire inn like this for a banquet...it’s something only the wealthiest merchants are capable of.” 

Sid: “The food looks good.” 

Isleif looked at Sid drooling over the food, making a disgusted expression. 

Isleif: “Disgusting.” 

Ryo blinked sleepily at Veau. 

“Ah, captain,” Ryo yawned, scratching his head. “Isn’t he the one who sunk your stolen ship too?” 

Haru paused in mid-laughter. 

“Took you long enough to realise.” Kiyae smirked. 

Yun seemed to be talking to the owner of the inn, asking him to bring out more dishes. 

“That’s right, you destroyed the ship too! You weird back-stabbing partner!” Haru rushed towards Veau, grabbing him by the collar as he extended his hand out. “Pay up! For my ship!” 

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