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B N H A   x   F A I R Y T A I L

僕のヒーローアカデミア×フェアリーテイルB N H A   x   F A I R Y T A I L

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🔺[ •_.~   0  2   ~._• ]🔺
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|_ T H I R D    POV_|
The FairyTail guild hall has received a request to fulfill during thanks giving. Their strongest team was sent off for the mission, sadly they couldn't join the feast that they were having.

FairyTail celebrated their founding in thanksgiving instead of the holiday it's self, for thanks giving past was shrouded in darkness, despite it being about thanks.

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|_S H O T O' S POV_|
Dad said he was going to go on a mission and that I'm going to have to stay behind.

'Hey. Hey Sho.'
'Why don't we sneak away with them?'
'No that's a set up to any horror movie.'
'Awwww come on!'
'.... fine. Only because you asked not because I'm curious.'

Erza was being tailed by Dad, Gray, Lucy and Happy with a mountain of luggage behind them. So naturally I followed. I was being sneaky until Soa sneezed.

'Cover your beak next time.'

No one seemed to notice though. Besides Happy, but everyone dismissed him, besides Lucy who was now looking around frantically.

I had some spair Jewels on me, I also brought my whips. Both of them were in a bag that dad won for me before leaving.

As they got on the train I pulled up a hoodie I bought. It was white instead of black. I didn't want to look like a classic horror movie killer. Plus Soa's feathers made me look like a girl with black hair and Lucy was always wearing light clothing sooooooo...

I felt dizzy. Like dizzy dizzy, my whole vision was blurry and my world felt like it was spinning. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out or having a serious migraine.

Soa kept pulling at my hair to make me stay awake which caused me to have a huge head ache.
I looked over slightly to glance at dad, and noticed he had passed out.

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