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(Forgot too show images of Shoto's whips

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(Forgot too show images of Shoto's whips.)
(WARNING: Violence, self harm/accidental/unconscious/, slight out of character & gore. Be warned you'll probably be angry at me or the Boar :V)

Everyone else was asleep, I was awake and shaky.  What the guy said to me made me too paranoid to fall asleep.

I sensed something around us with waves of energy radiating off of it, it was oddly inviting. My body felt like it was limp and moving on its own. I walked towards the energy, seeing a tall figure that was horribly distorted. It was at least seven feat tall.

The energy was radiating off of it was oddly mesmerizing.

The aura around the tall lanky figure was colored and visible, it was a mystical blue and lavender color.

It felt like I was pulled into another realm of existence momentarily, until the figure turned around.

The face and body was horrible distorted looking like a boar and a human had a horribly disfigured baby. The weirdest thing wasn't even its looks, as it's eyes looked like spirals that never ended. I shut my eyes as hard and long as possible before opening them and being stared down by the seven foot monster of a boar.

I had accidentally encountered a boar on my own. The boar striked at me, landing a hit at my rib cage while it was staring me down.

I felt a small crack as its hoove connected. The boar stomped down on my stomach, I felt bile come out, and I yelled in pain.

A strange but horribly strong scent hit my nose making me horribly dizzy, I felt something warm trickle down my chin, realizing it was blood I panicked, adrenaline rushing to my limbs and finally being able to control my body again. I grabbed the boars disfigured leg and yanked it as hard as possible making it tumble to the ground with a distorted squeal.

I wasn't sure if it was me or the boar but everything seemed off. The scent made me realize how much I rely on smell alone, but weird colors warped my vision, it made me feel dizzy, overwhelmed and overloaded with weird senses.

I tasted something metallic, which I was assuming was my blood and saw the world go black.

A figure of a human dropped to the ground, a small ebbing blue light surrounded the person. The air shifted around them and two pairs of wings vaporized into existence, attached to the now dragon like human who raised themselves up from the ground.

They lunged a disfigured creature who had features of a boar, and ripped into it with all its might, decapitating it almost instantly, but not before the Boar rammed a tusk into their rib cage.

And audible crack was heard as blood painted the area around the dragon like human, along with paint the human with the blood of its own and the creature.

The human fell to the ground with a loud yell of pain as it clutched its hair, dying it completely red as it itches furiously at little colored dots that looked like scales slowly disappeared along with the wings.

The itching stopped, as hands with nails as sharp as cat claws were soaked in the blood of its own body. Wails of pain soon followed until it completely stopped.

I woke up dizzy and light head, dad was clutching me tightly and crying/yelling it hurt my ears.

It took me a second before all my senses registered but when it did it hurt more than when my mom cooked my face instead of Soba.

I uncontrollably wailed in pain and internally cringed at myself.

Dad stopped yelling and stared at me, shock, disbelief, and relief in his eyes.

He clutched onto me tighter
"DAD YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I wheezed trying to push him off.

Dad losens his grip on me, sobbing,
"I'm never letting you leave my sight again! Sho, I'm so sorry I'm a horrible father, Igneel would never-"

I heard the clicking of Erza's armor, she grabbed me away from dad gently, and took me back to camp. All while calming dad down, and comforting me. Everything that happened last night was a blur, all I remember was blacking out.

When we got to the camp, both Lucy and Erza tended to my wounds as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

When I was completely awake again, my chest was bandaged, along with all my torso which felt like it had a bunch of deep cuts all over my body.

Dad was right next to me with Soa, who were both staring at me.

Dad looked down, guilt filling his eyes.
"You're not a bad Dad, it was the faul-"

"It's not your fault, it's mine." He stared at me, down to at the core of my soul.

"It was neither of our faults. The Boar, or I think it was a boar, had some sort of weird control over my mind."

"You wouldn't have wandered off if I was-"

"No. We both would have, and we both would have gotten hurt."

Soa nodded, knowing that no one, not even Wendy, could understand her unless it was me.

Dad looked down, a small sad smile spread across his face. I felt myself smile, as I looked across the camp, seeing the others discuss a plan.

I felt dried blood all over my face and hair, honestly wanting to wash it out, but knowing I wouldn't be able too until we got back to the village. I stared down at my hand, noticing longer nails than before, they were caked in dried blood. I reached my hand up towards my ear and felt it, feeling a scaly texture on pointer ears than usual.

I felt and notice a slight droup in them. I felt like if I could move them at will.

I was interrupted by the Blueberry who offered me a fish, and asked me if I was ok.

I smiled and nodded, reassuring him I was just fine. I cooked the fish and nawed on it until it was gone.

Another target down, they're getting more difficult. Hopefully the next one isn't as... demonic???

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