10 | Training Arc! ⚙️

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Day 1:
You know how I said, AT LEAST IT'S NOT AIZAWA. Yeah- I take it back. I WISH IT WAS AIZAWA!

Dad said we're going to train easily for the first week. I THINK NATSU IS ON STEROIDS! Or at least some power enhancing stuff.

He expected me to break a boulder... WITH MY FIST.... AS THE STARTING PRACTICE!

He said I can't move on until I do it without magic. He made me do push ups, planks, jumping jacks and curl ups.

Push ups with him and Happy sitting on my back taunting me with Soba. AND I was chased by angry hoard of wild boars! Those things are vicious!

By the end of the day I felt like my whole body was throbbing in pain. My fists hurt from punching the boulder, my back hurt from being trampled over, my legs were sore from running and supporting dads weight on my back.

This was the first day of week one... seven weeks left and 48 days left.

Day 2:
Everything was the same as yesterday. Only difference is, I had to practice, screaming?

Dad was teaching me how to concentrate my energy all into one area of my body. My flames were the only half that worked.

I also managed to get my head stuck in a tree. Shaggy guy who name I learned wasn't in fact Kirishima 3.0 But 'Gajeel' had to come help me out. Apparently I was so stuck in the tree that Lucy had to come and Summon a celestial spirit named Taurus who thought I was a girl and was flirting with me until it saw my face.

I learned that Lucy was able to summon creatures, and she introduced me to Plue, who I loved and he... or it, let me hug them.

What a strange bug.
(Anyone get the reference?)

47 days left.

Day 3:
I FINALLY HAD PROGRESSED! I managed to concentrate my flames into one fist and punch the boulder. It only cracked but it was close! Today I had to run, and do more pushups.

I wasn't even sure that it was even possible to punch thru the boulder unless you have All Might strength. However, Dad obliterated thru three boulders at once.

46 days left.

Day 4:
Today I tried to do the same things I did with my fire to my ice. I kind of did, it ended up looking like mist but instantly froze anything I touched. Training got even more intense.

Push ups should have been called 'Try to push yourself up when there's a bolder on your back' because that's exactly what it is!

Dad decided he should add in weight lifting into the mix.
45 days left.

Day 5:
Today we got to take a break from the boar chasing. In that time period that was usually spent trying to climb a tree or avoid the boars we got to go back to the guild and hang for a bit.

Levy walked over to me and geeked out about stuff that went in one ear and out the other. Kind of like Madoriya.

She was talking about books, and she explained to me that something Slayer magic was super rare and that I was lucky that I was in experiences with magic and could still change my magic into something like someones Magic. I honestly don't remember because I got distracted by Happy getting rejected my Carla half way thru Levy explanations.

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