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Apparently the school is going to withdraw our scholarships, wow. Julie was the one who told me. Now what? Public school? We were only here for 2 months already and they want to kick us out. Anyways, I told Connie and Julie about what Charlie told me last night. We were in History class doing a project, the three of us.
"I don't know what to do," I say miserably.
"Do you like Charlie?" Connie asks. She was the best person to go to when you have problems.
I took time to think about what she asked me, when I thought about him I felt comfort and butterflies, I didn't feel anything I felt when I would think about Benny though.

"I don't know, what I really like about him is that he's really understanding," I say.
"Well... Would you date him?" Julie says.
I shrugged.
"Hmm... Getting with Charlie can be a way to see if you still miss Benny," Connie said putting me in shock. I was actually convinced by her idea.
"But, isnt that technically using or playing Charlie?" I said unsurely.
"Mmm, he won't know will he?" Julie said smirking. Connie seemed to agree with her.
"I'll see," I said.
I stood up and put my backpack on.
I walked the halls with Julie, "So, are you going to tell Benny about Charlie?" She says.
"Probably, he won't have a problem with it," I wasn't really scared of how Benny will react.
"True, he's secretly with that girl," She says in a annoyed tone.
She elbowed me, "Look there's your boyfriend, both of them," She pointed at Charlie and Benny, they were both seeming to be getting along well, which surprised me.
"Oh shut up," I say elbowing her back, chuckling.

"Hey, Benny?" Charlie walked up to me as I was walking to my class. It was weird because of everything that happened between us.
He looked nervous.
"Um, I told Amelia that I like her last night,"
I knew it. I didn't feel jealous at all, little does he know that she still loves me.
"You asked her out?" I say.
"Mmm, I was planning on doing it today,"-Charlie
"Wow, good job man,"-Me
"You're not mad? I thought it was better if I told you before-"-Charlie
"No, me and Amelia are good now,"-Me
"Oh, thank god, I was scared."-Charlie
"If you ever end up with her, don't hurt her the way I did,"
"I won't," He put his hand out for a hand shake.
I shook his hand back. I was relieved we let go of all of our problems.
"See ya," I say
"Yeah," He then left. I kept walking, I looked back to find him talking to Amelia, she seemed happy. But, not happier than when she was around me.

After school and practice, I sat in my dorm doing homework.
"Julie? What do you think I should do?" I say as she was on her bed reading.
"You should be with Charlie, and figure out if you still want to be with Benny."
"Like what Connie said?" I was actually convinced by the idea.
She nodded, "Unless you don't like him." She says.
"I don't know if I do, I try not to fall for him because-"
"Because of Benny, I know."
"Yeah," I sigh.
We heard a knock on the door. Me and Julie exchanged confused looks. I got up quietly to answer, "Who is it?" I say.
"Benny..." He said, giving me butterflies.
I open the door and both of our faces lit up.
"Hey," I say then turned to look at Julie, who had a smirk on her face. I closed the door behind me.
"What brings you here?" I say.
"Charlie told me he likes you," He said scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes smiling.
"Yeah, he told me also."-Me
"Well, would you get with him?" He didn't seem mad or jealous.
"I don't know," I mumbled.
"I think you should, I want to see you happy," He said. My heart stopped.
"I'm already happy, all I care about is if you and me are still in good terms," I studied his worried face.
"Really? Are we still going to be friends if you get with him?" He formed a smile on his face.
I scoffed, "Duh, what did you think was going to happen?"
He chuckled, "Nothing."
"Dork," I whispered.
He looked nervous until I saw him lean closer to me, I felt his lips touch mine. My heart was beating fast and I began to warm up. The kiss lasted for a few seconds. We then separated, I had a smirk on my face and so did he.
"What was that about?" I say chuckling.
"I don't know when I'll be able to that again."
I smiled and didn't say anything else.
"Maybe one day, we can go back to summer 2 years ago" He stared deep into my eyes.
"One day, Benny." Looking at his eyes gave me flashbacks from the summer.
"Goodnight, Amelia" He said and began to walk away.
"Goodnight, Benjamin." I said.
He looked back rolling his eyes and smiling. I was smiling hard.

The next day...
I couldn't act normally the next day. I kept thinking about the kiss. Benny also showed that he tried to act normally when he was around me. Maybe dating Charlie is a good idea to see if Benny is actually the one I should be with.
I was at the locker room with my team after practice, "Bye, Connie," I say before leaving.
"Bye," She said with her warm happy voice.
As I walked to the door Charlie stopped me.
"Amelia, may I walk with you?" He said opening the door for me.
I got butterflies, "Sure,"
Once we completely left the locker room he says, "So, I was thinking,"
"Yeah?" I knew what he was going to say.
"Sense you and Benny are friends now, will you be my girlfrie-"
"Yes," I say cutting him off.
His face lit up.
"Yeah, really," I say, this didn't feel right. Now I regret saying yes. I'm so dumb.
"Wow," He mumbled.
While holding a small conversation, we reached my dorm.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I say.
"Bye, Amy," He said making me pause. I remembered that Sofia used to call me that.
"Amy?" I say.
"Oh, sorry-"
"I'm kidding, I like it," I said giving him a hug.
"Ok, I got scared," He said chuckling also making me laugh.
I let go, "Bye," and opened the door to my dorm
"Miss you already," He said as I walked in to my room.
I rolled my eyes, "You'll see me tomorrow, don't get scared now." I then shut the door. Luckily, Julie wasn't here yet.
"Someone wish me luck, I'm gonna need it."
This is so boring lollll. The story will end soon and I'll probably do a Charlie Conway fan fic later on. Feel free to leave more recommendations.

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