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August 29 1995
"Two more weeks?!"
Apparently I was going back to school in two weeks when I was supposed to go tomorrow. Andrea was the one telling me the news.
"Yup, but there is something else to that." She said with a suspicious smirk.
Giggling I start to say, "What? You're scaring me."
She was smiling hard, "You're getting a scholarship to Eden Hall, with the ducks."
(Author:Let's pretend that the school is in California and not Minnesota)
I was in shock, "No way," Andrea squealed while jumping in excitement. I thought she wasn't being serious until she hugged me, I hugged back obviously.
"Oh my gosh." I say out of breath, this is a big moment for me.
"This is so big, Amelia." She separated herself from me.
"Yeah..." I felt like I was dreaming. I got accepted into a preppy rich school, cool.

These two weeks I spent most of my time packing, cause I decided to stay in the dorms, Julie had begged me a few days ago to stay with her cause Connie will be staying at her own house and she didn't want to alone. I brought anything that was necessary. I have a good feeling about this school, except that it's probably filled with blonde spoiled chics. (No offense to all my blondes out there:)) But, Coach Bombay won't be our coach anymore, this wasn't so good, and Kenny decided to stay in public school with Bertram and Maya, so it's now me and Benny...ugh.

First day of school...
Me, Julie, Benny, and a few of my other friends walked around the campus. I felt...rich. The air was nice and crisp.
"What you think about the new coach?" Julie elbowed me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"More like, what do we think Charlie would react" Russ said sounding anxious like most of us.
"True," We all said at the same time. Every time I glanced at Benny he was checking out the girls at this school. It was hard watching him turn slowly into a perv. I think sense we dated, he got a little too confident.

New school leads to a fresh start. I'm going to try to forget about everything that can distract or ruin my experience here in this school, except for the little details that go on between Charlie and Amelia.
(Author:FYI The girl that Charlie liked in the third movie (Linda) doesn't exist in this story:)) At some point I need to get over it, but I don't know how. Every interaction I make with Amelia reminds me of every second from last summer.

We sat in the schools auditorium, for an assembly. The big varsity juniors already started to hate us. I began to feel homesick, at least my friends are here with me. But anyways, the dean was talking and like always, I didn't pay attention, until the big red curtains behind him fell, I recognized Goldberg's voice under the curtains, there seemed to be more people with him.
Me and the people I sat with, had an embarrassed look on our face as the school laughed at the rest of the team. These rich kids are definitely going to hate on us.

We explored the school, every classroom, our dorms, etc. Charlie really changed during these weeks that I haven't seen him, he got taller and has a deep voice, the rest of the boys also.
Let's not talk about how boring the classes are and how many work they give us. I don't know how I'm going to hold up. Luckily I have all my classes with Julie again.
I walked the hallway during passing period with a few of the players. I saw how Benny stared at this one girl, I just can't explain what I was feeling. Frustration and emptiness. Julie noticed too, she patted my back as if she already knew how I felt. The rest of the my classes went by fast, I kept thinking about how Benny was trying to get a little too close with someone else, I regret even coming here.

The ice skating rink though, it was the only thing I like about this school.
Mumbling I say, "Woah, this is-"
"Huge," Charlie says as amazed as I was.
The rest of the ducks mumbled to each other. They had the same reaction as I did. We tried warming up by following Dwaynes round up, until the new coach came. We all got quiet all of a sudden. His name is Coach O'Rion, he's so serious, nothing like Coach Bombay.
Charlie and him didn't get along well, coach kept on saying how we aren't little kids anymore, blah blah blah. We aren't even The Ducks anymore, we're Warriors. My stomach twirled in knots cause I kept overthinking on how this coach will end up.
We didn't even get the proper positions, I played on left side until coach put me on right side, Benny's my back up though. I wasn't in my best mood, no one was.

The next day...
We still haven't got used to this school, it's horrible. At lunch I always sat with my team. Benny was definitely flirting with that one girl, she has a boyfriend though, so nothing bad can happen, I hope. I sat in lunch with Julie and Connie, I still wasn't in the mood.
"You like it here?"-Julie
"Mmm, sure"-Me
I played with my food out of boredom.
"Lie, you avoid eye contact when you lie,"-Connie
"Gosh, Connie" I chuckled finally looking up at her.
"Is it because of Benny?"-Julie
"How do you know everything?" That's what happens when you tell your friends so much, they know everything about anything.
"It's a secret," Connie winked.
"I feel bad for you Amelia, he probably doesn't even know what he's doing, flirting and stuff when you're literally right in front of him."-Julie
I sigh trying not to start bawling my eyes out.
"If this keeps on going on, I have a plan,"-Connie
"What is it?"-Me
"Can't tell you,"-Connie
She's smart, so anything that she has in mind always turns out good.

During practice everyone was exhausted and stressed, especially me. I warmed up with Connie doing laps around the rink.
"FOXX KEEP THOSE LEGS MOVING!" Coach was so annoying I swear.
"YES SIR." I say, knowing he doesn't like that, it's what he deserves. Charlie skated next to me, great.
"Hey Amelia, how you holding up?"
Connie left me with him on purpose.
"Not very good," I say.
"This is total crap." He says back.
I was so tired I didn't feel like talking.
"Yeah..." I was being more slow than I used to.
"How bout you skip practice tomorrow and rest, you look really tired,"
"Really? I can't skip,"
Why was he doing this?
"I'll cover for you," He patted my back and went back with his friends.
Then Benny skated behind me.
"Seems like you found a new partner," He says with a attitude.
"Speak for yourself," He knows what I'm talking about.
"Woah, let's not do this,"
"Well, you started it,"
He rolled his eyes making me furious.
"Never mind." He mumbled.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." After I said that I went back with Connie leaving him behind.

Ahh this is so boring lolll. I appreciate the feedback cause a girl is new lol. Thanks so much for all the reads wow. Byeee:)

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