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Thursday, July 29 1994
This month has gone by so fast. Every day is the same. Wednesday and I have been talking a lot. She begged me to get a ticket to visit her, with Benny. So, today I will have that conversation with him. Andrea and Connor have been getting worse, to the point where she sleeps in the guest room instead of sleeping with Connor. Jaxon and I have a good relationship now, we don't give each other dirty looks or fight anymore.

Sofia started playing with us, we were really careful with her. When I got up to bat, I gave Kenny the look I always give him for the heater. I got in position and waited for the ball.
"Home run!" Ham said behind me.
"Yay! Go Amelia!" Sofia said from the dugout.
The rest of the boys cheered for me. I ran the bases showing lack of energy. I was busy thinking about visiting Wednesday, I couldn't focus at all. When I got to third base I stopped running and began to walk.
"Pretend I ran." I waved at the boys who were staring at me. I plopped down on the bench in the dugout next to Sofia.
"You are so good, Amy."
"Thank you." I realized she gave me a nickname.
"Is Amy my new name now?" I say with a smile.
"Yup." She responded nodding her head giggling. "I love it." I softly squeezed her cheek.
Staring at boys play was kinda boring so I took Sofia's hand so we can wander around the bushes.

I didn't pay attention to what was happening in the field. Me and Sofia looked at the flowers that were growing on the only parts of grass that weren't dry. She saw a little spider crawling around, she didn't scream just stood behind me.
"Oh, it's ok." I got down to my knees to pick up the spider slowly.
She started to step in front of me.
"Look, they're nice." I showed her my hand the spider was crawling in.
"How aren't you not scared of them?" Sofia didn't seem satisfied.
"You know, people did many things to scare me, but they never did, and throughout time, I realized that I'm braver than I thought." Finishing my sentence, I flashed her a smile.
Sofia got a closer look at the insect, she began to feel more comfortable.
"Can I see?" She put her hand out. I gave her the spider. She started giggling.
Chuckling I say, "It tickles, huh."
"Yeah, I'm not scared anymore." She gave me the insect back. I set it back on a flower and we watched it crawl away.
"If you become braver and braver as you grow, you'll become a strong girl, Sofia." I stood up to continue our walk.
"You think so?" She looked up at me, getting a hold of my hand.
"I'd be lying if I said no." I said.
"Let's make us a crown with flowers, yeah?" I picked out a thin stick and a few daisies.
We sat on the ground in the dugout. I began bending the stick and wrapping flowers around it.

I watched from third base the way Amelia cared for my sister, the way she made her happy, and when she spoils her with complements, Amelia is too good for this world. Amelia made herself a crown with flowers, she looked like a princess. I stared at her in awe, her long wavy hair falling behind her flawlessly, her blue eyes shining bright when she looked at me. I got distracted that I didn't see Bertram standing on the base.
"You need to give this girl a baby man." Bertram teased. I get uncomfortable when people say stuff like that.
"No, that's weird." I responded with annoyance.
He only laughed.
I was being serious, we are only 14. We still have to go through high school and college. People love skipping to conclusions.
Before Bertram could run to home base he patted my shoulder saying, "Meet me at my place."

I got ready to go to Bertram's house. I stopped preforming for a while, kinda missed it. The house was lonely, Connor was probably at a bar, Andrea was sleeping her sadness away, and Jaxon locked himself in his room playing video games.
I headed downstairs to answer the door.
"Benny?" I closed the door behind me so no one can hear that he was here.
"Duh, who do I look like?" He smirked and pecked my lips.
"Shh, they can hear you." I whispered putting a finger on my lips.
"Oh, I forgot. Are you ready?" He whispered back.
"Yeah, let me just get some shoes." I said still whispering.

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