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(Author: Sense the mighty ducks are going to be featured in the next chapters some things are going to change like, instead of it being set in Minnesota it will be in The San Fernando Valley like in the sandlot, and the "new flock" won't be coming from different states it will just be new players from the same school.You'll get it once you read more.)

Freshman year....
The first months of 9th grade went ok. It wasn't much of a difference to middle school. Me, Benny, Kenny, and Bertram, have mostly of our classes together. I even made two friends their names are Connie and Julie. Benny started talking to me again, but I would hug him sometimes or give him a peck on the cheek and he'll feel uncomfortable. He never told me he felt that way, I could see it in his eyes. We even stopped cuddling with each other or holding hands. I never worked up enough courage to ask him what was wrong, I just let it slide.

Something that he did for me that I would never forget, was that on the day of the dead, he had his mom make a altar for my mom. It stood in my room, filled with flowers and some of her favorite things like, makeup, perfume, her clothes and some of her favorite food. No matter what happens to us I would never forget that he did that for me.
During Christmas break, I flew back to Seattle, without Benny this time, to celebrate it with my family. When I came back, everything was the same. I stopped playing the guitar, I lost interest, now it's just something I do when I'm bored. I left the band also, I didn't have time for them anymore. Me and Maya are still good friends, same with Kenny and Bertram. The other sandlot boys are in middle school. Me and Benny's relationship was very awkward, that went on until early February...

February 1995
Today after school I decided to have a talk with Amelia about our relationship. We both know that I haven't been showing much affection. Yes, I know I said before that I didn't want to loose her and I wanted a future with her, blah blah blah. But, that was in middle school, we are in high school now, I need to focus on baseball and my grades.
"That just sounds like an excuse." I didn't know what to tell her. In reality, I think that it would be better if we were friends. I'd say we are more like soulmates not lovers. The cute couple stuff isn't my thing anymore.

I went downstairs to answer the door. Jaxon was at baseball practice and Andrea was at work. When I opened the door, Benny was standing there with a disappointed look on his face.
"Hey, come in." I say moving out the way. The last time he came to my house was in summer.
"Can we talk?" He says sitting on the couch.
I knew what was coming.
"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I say sitting across from him.
"I- I think that it'd be better if we continue as friends..."
My heart dropped.
"Not that I don't like you, I still do, but I just feel closer to you as a friend instead of a boyfriend. Do you get me?"
He obviously didn't see the hurt in my eyes. I stood still, not talking, my chest began to ache. He had a point though, we are more happier when we act like friends towards each other, but I don't want to leave him.
"Yeah...." I was speechless.
"Like if we are more like soulmates not lovers." Those words made me feel better. I felt that he thinks I'm special.
"Yeah, soulmates." I didn't feel like talking much at all.
"That doesn't mean that I don't care about you anymore or that I will stop ignoring you, I'm just not about all the couple shit, ya know?" He seemed more relieved when he opened up. I agreed with him, he was definitely my soulmate not my lover.
"I know what you mean."
He stood up and walked to the front door. I did the same.
"I'll see you at school?" He said walking outside.
"Yeah." That was all I was saying this whole time.
I watched him walk away, which brought me back to the time when he first kissed me.
"Benny?" My voice was shaky.
He turned around, "Yes?"
"Your still my beautiful boy, right?"
Ugh... I sounded so miserable saying that.
He nodded with a smile, "I won't let anyone else call me that, only you." Then he walked away.

I didn't know how to feel. I was happy that he at least wanted to still be good friends... but I was just so HOPELESS! I love him so much, there is no way that I will never get over him.
I went to my room and sat on the floor, sobbing. Imagine when he gets another girl, how terrible I will get.

End of February....
I was more miserable now, nothing really lifted me up anymore. Benny still talked to me and all, he looked happier now, even happier than when we were together. Sometimes I will take antidepressants to lift me up. Every time I feel good I think it'll last forever...but it doesn't. Which lead me to take more pills, I didn't want to feel awful anymore, I wanted to get over him.

Dont give up on this story now lol. It will get better I promise youuuu. I have another question tho lol... Would you want a happy ending like in fairytales or a happy ending with a twist? And will you want to see more of Benny's point of view or more of Amelias? FYI: These questions are important so I know what to do for the next chapters! Byeee:)

beautiful boy . ⎯ benny r.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin