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We landed at around 8am. The ride to Wednesday's house wasn't really long. We were all quiet, Benny was definitely falling asleep.

Once we got to her place, it gave me a bunch of nostalgia. She lived in a modern cottage up a hill filled with trees. I remember camping in her backyard when we were younger. Me and my mom lived with them.
"Home, sweet, home." Julia said parking the car.
Wednesday got out the car then me then Benny. He looked around as if he's never seen trees before.
"Theres no palm trees here." I teased.
"I noticed." He said back.

After bringing everything inside, I showed Benny around the house.
"Here's the entrance, obviously."
He followed every step of mine.
"Dining room, office." I pointed to my both sides.
"Then this small hallway... Finally the living room and kitchen."
It felt good being back home. My actual home.
Benny looked around.
"Oh, and the backyard." I opened the door to the backyard, revealing a forest.
"Remember, always being out here?" Wednesday said behind me.
"It was the best." I mumbled.
I sighed as I walked slowly outside.
"Isn't it creepy? Having a whole forest behind your house." Benny wasn't used to living in the wilderness.
"You'll get used to it." I said walking closer to the trees. Looking up at the trees, reminded me of when me and my mom would come out here to stargaze. Wednesday saw how sad I looked.
"Do you want to see your mom's room?" She suddenly said. Benny's eyes widened.
"You haven't done anything to it?" I began to choke up.
Wednesday shook her head.
"It's still the way she left it." She said walking back inside. I walked behind her taking Benny's hand.
Wednesday lead us to a small hallway that had all the rooms. She gave me a unsure look before opening the door. Opening the door, the smell of my mom's fancy perfume shocked me. I was the first to walk in the room.
All the flashbacks came running back. Her bed was unmade just like she will always leave it, she will wait till nighttime to make her bed, but that one night she didn't come back.
"We should leave her alone." Wednesday told Benny.
"I'll help you guys settle in." She said as she walked away with him.
I studied my mom's room, her makeup, perfume, and clothes. As I smelled her clothes I began crying.
"I miss you so much..." I whispered.
I put on one of her hoodies and laid in her bed for a while.

"How's Amelia holding up over there in California." Wednesday was helping me settle in Amelias old room.
"She's doing okay." I said.
"I wish she stayed here with us. I'm not saying that I think she shouldn't be with you guys, but it just doesn't feel right." Wednesday kinda scared me.
"What doesn't feel right?" We sat on the floor as we unzipped the suitcases.
"That her dad took full custody of her. She should've stayed here."-Wednesday
"Oh," I didn't want to ask more questions to not get her frustrated.
After a few seconds of silence, Wednesday was smirking, "You're lucky to have her."
Teasing I say, "I know." Making Wednesday get serious.
"No, I'm being for real, she always rejected everyone." Wednesday started taking out Amelias clothes and folding it.
"Well, she told me no one will talk to her at school."-Me
Chuckling she responded, "Yeah, when it comes to making female friends, but when it comes to boys? You should've seen."
"Was she with anyone else before me?" I stopped unpacking my things to see Wednesdays reaction to my question.
Her eyes widened then sighed.
"You should ask her that, instead of me." Then it got suddenly quiet.

I rested in my moms bed as I smelled her pillows. I saw someone standing outside the room, it was my auntie. I sat up and wiped my tears as she sat next to me.
"Oh, darling, come here." She opened her arms. I cuddled next to her.
"Why did I have to move?" I said sniffling.
"You still had your father out there."-Julia
I forgot to tell her that Connor moved and that Andrea adopted me.
"Umm, he moved to Nevada and his ex wife adopted me." I separated myself from her. She looked disappointed.
"Well, when you turn 18 you can move in with us." She smiled.
"But, what about Benny?" I was kinda excited that she welcomed me to move back in when I grow up.
"If he wants he can move in too."-Julia
"I would love too, but there's still more time left." I said nodding.
"You do you, Amelia." Then she left. She stopped in the entrance then pointed at the hoodie, "That looks good on you, keep it if you'd like." Smiling she left the room. I took a few deep breaths before going back with Wednesday and Benny.

"Just tell me, I don't want to ask her about something that she regrets."-Me
"It's none of my business."-Wednesday
"But-" I was suddenly cut off.
"Shhh, she's coming."-Wednesday
I could smell Amelias scent from afar. She walked in the room, her eyes looked red and she was wearing a hoodie that wasn't hers, probably her moms. My stomach would fill with butterflies whenever she was around. She's been through so much, if she looses me, she'll become a mess.

When I walked inside they both stared at me.
"Take a picture, it'll-" I sat next to Benny when Wednesday cut me off.
"Last longer." She said smiling. 
"I can fold my clothes instead." I reached for my clothes that she was folding.
"Ok," Wednesday was being quiet, maybe she isn't used to my presence after being gone for three months. It's August and school starts at the end of the month.
"I'll let you guys chill, tomorrow we can do more fun stuff, I'll be in my room relaxing with my thoughts." She got up and headed to the door.
"You use your left hand or your right for that?" The vibe was pretty down so I joked around with her to light up the room.
She laughed, "You wish, you nasty."
I watched as she left the room with a smile.
I didn't take the time to look around my old room. I left a few things here, when I left, I was so frustrated I didn't want to touch anything that reminded me of my mom.
"You'll have fun I promise," I said as I looked at Benny's bored look while we put away our things in my old dresser.
"I know I will." He mumbled. It started to rain outside.
"Maybe it does rain a bit." I chuckled walking over to the window, to put my head out. It was hot outside and the rain fell fresh on my face.
"I haven't seen the rain in a long time." He said cuddling up against me, watching the rain. I got an idea of something I always did with my mom.
"Come with me." We were holding hands as I lead him outside.
"What are we doing?" He said watching me lay down on the grass.
Laughing I say, "Lay next to me."
"You're crazy." He says but still does it.
"Isn't it nice?" I say with my eyes closed.
"Yeah, I guess." He wasn't satisfied until a few minutes later when we stayed like this talking about many things.

When we got bored we headed inside to shower. The house was warm and quiet. Wednesday and Julia were locked in their rooms doing their own things.

After showering, I showed Benny more pictures of my family.
"That's my mom, in her wedding with Connor." I gave him the picture. He looked at her than back at me.
"What is it?" I said.
"She looks like you." He said staring at her picture.
"I think her dress is somewhere in her room." I looked through more pictures.
"Can you try it on?" He said making my heart stop.
"What?" I thought he wasn't being serious at first.
"Try the dress on." He gave me back the picture.
I rolled my eyes and went to her room to look for the dress. When Benny saw her room he let out a weird vibe. He was probably overwhelmed about standing in a dead persons room. When I finally found the dress I hid it and said, "Go in the room, I'll surprise you." He obeyed and went in my room.
The dress was a lace long sleeve white v-neck dress. It wasn't big, it was perfect. I changed in the bathroom next to my room. Surprisingly, it fit good. I put my hair in a bun to make it look more realistic, letting my bangs fall in front of my face. I was being extra emotional today. I felt closer to my mom here than I did in California.
"Oh my gosh..." I whispered.
"Now?" Benny said from the other side of the door making me jump.
Giggling I say, "Shoo, go back in the room." I heard the door close. I left the bathroom and walked to my room. I swung the door open. Benny's jaw dropped.
"Wow." He said.
I walked to my mirror that was in my room to get a better look.
"You look so much like her." He mumbled as he looked at me in the mirror.
"I look so pretty. Don't you think?" I said twirling myself around.
"I've loved watching you gain more confidence ever sense we met, it's so beautiful." He said.
I will never forget those words.
I let out a shaky sigh, "You thought me to love myself..." I said staring at him.
"And now you're teaching Sofia how to become more confident in herself, thank you." He said standing up to hug me. My eyes began to water.
Awww... How come that don't happen to me lolll. I'll probably make 10 or 5 more chapters, but I know that the last two will be talking about their future. If you have any recommendations comment feel free to comment. Byeee:)

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